2024 OCTOBER 06 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------* THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK THIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos ------------------------------------------------------------* NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING OCTOBE 6 2024 IN OUR 29th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWS THIS WEEK:- WIA DIRECTORS VK8ZZ PETER AND VK3FY CHRIS WIA AMATEUR RADIO MAGAZINES EDITOR IN CHIEF VK2ZRH ROGER RAOTC's CLIVE VK6CSW VKDMR's 8th ANNIVERSAY NEWS WITH PETER VK5DMR SOCIALLY WE VISIT BOTH THE TASSIE HAM CONFERENCE AND THE GOLD COAST HAMFEST THANKS TO AIDAN VK4APM AND JUSTIN VK7TW BUT WAIT - THERE'S MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE IN THIS EDITION OF NEWS FROM THE WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA. I'M EDITOR GRAHAM VK4BB WIA JOIN THE WIA tinyurl.com/yyj87b9y WIA DIRECTOR CHRIS DIMITRIJEVIC VK3FY The WIA Education Committee was re-formed last year and has been tasked with providing training material to support WIA affiliated clubs with their training endeavours. An online survey is now open seeking information on the type of training material that may assist clubs with their training programs. The online survey is very simple and should only take a few minutes to complete. An email was also sent to all affiliated club Presidents and Secretaries so please keep a watch on your inboxes for the survey. Any questions can be emailed TO Amanda.Hawes@education.wia.org.au The WIA is seeking expressions of interest from clubs that would like consider holding the 2025 AGM. Typically, the WIA likes to combine the WIA AGM in conjunction with a club event like a Conference, Field Day, a Buy/Swap/Sell or even a Car Boot sale. The event needs to be held sometime around May 2025 to comply with the Corporations Law. This year many of our members saw that the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club executed a very successful event on May 4 and 5. The event pulled a significant number of attendees, locals, schools, First Responders, and commercial operators from all parts of Queensland and interstate. They held lectures, panels, and even a soldering workshop and had a large number of resellers / groups who put up static and interactive displays over the weekend. Expressions of Interest should be sent to Secretary@wia.org.au This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. Some of you may recall that, a while back, I asked if any of you had ever lived on an island and used the amateur bands while you were there? Well, I have had a number of good responses, but Id like to get a few more to flesh out the tales of experiences to be told in stories from you. I know that there must be others of you that have ever lived on an island and played amateur radio while you were there? By lived, I dont mean for a week or a fortnights holiday. You were on the island for another purpose and amateur radio activity was incidental to that. Perhaps you were employed on the island, which necessitated that you live there. Or, perhaps you lived on an island while conducting research. Id like to hear your stories about it. And so would the good readers of Amateur Radio magazine, Ill bet. Many of you will probably remember our special Antarctic edition, Issue 5 back in 2021. Well, Im planning an Island edition. Tell us all your personal story, just as did the contributors back in Issue 5 in 2021. Your island could be anywhere in the world, not necessarily an Australian territory or protectorate. And, yes, if you lived and played amateur radio on island in an estuary or harbour within Australia, lets hear your story, too. Your period of island habitation need not have been recent, either. However, this is NOT to be about DXpeditions. THATs a whole other category. If you want to contribute, in the first instance, email me on VK2ZRH@wia.org.au and Ill let you know how to best prepare and send your article . . . plus photos. Its easy to write for Amateur Radio. Many, many amateurs have already done so. Few contributors are, or were, professional writers. Most of you can write about a familiar subject or an experience. Just tell the story, start with In the beginning, add the interesting bits in the middle, and end on a high note. Our job is to polish it and make you look good. Im Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News AUSTRALIANA Victorian Police called to alleged copper theft from telco pit. Vehicles allegedly used to extract cables. Victoria Police surprised three men allegedly trying to extract copper telecommunications cables from a pit in Melbournes east. A member of the public observed three men wearing hi-vis that had cordoned off a telecommunications pit with the appearance they were working and reported them to police. Police allege the three were using their vehicles to extract copper wiring out of the pit on Mount Dandenong Road in Kilsyth. Vic Police detained one man, a 44-year-old from Watsonia in Melbournes north-east, in connection with the alleged theft. He was charged with theft, resist emergency worker, possess drug of dependence, drive whilst disqualified and use fraudulent registration label, and was bailed to appear at Ringwood Magistrates Court on December 11. Police said two other men fled in a dark-coloured SUV with a trailer attached and are yet to be located. Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a report at crimestoppersvic.com.au. (itnews) ALARA ALARA, the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2025! Join us in Melbourne for the celebrations with the main event lunch happening on Saturday 26 July 2025 in Glen Waverly. For those who would like to stay a little longer there will also be tourism options available on the Friday before (25 July) the celebrations will continue onto the Sunday 27 July with a trip planned to the Puffing Billy and Dandenong Ranges. To express your interest in joining please email myself, Michelle VK2AYL, using president@alara.org.au Looking forward to seeing you there EDUCATION. Class Licence Qualification Training Courses The WIA Education Committee was re-formed last year and has been tasked with providing training material to support WIA affiliated clubs with their training endeavours. An online survey is to open up in the next few days seeking information on the type of training material that may assist clubs with their training programs. The short survey is available at this link surveymonkey.com/r/EducatioCommittee2024 This online survey is very simple and should only take a few minutes to complete. An email to all affiliated club Presidents and Secretaries will also be issued shortly so please keep a watch on your inboxes for the survey. WIA Education Committee Any questions can be email to the address vk1wx@wia.org.au (vk8zz) The short survey is available at this link or at the link in the WIA News page which will be published on Sunday morning. 73s Amanda Hawes, VK1AH/VK1WX. Chair/Secretary WIA Education Committee, ACMA Accredited Assessor. ------------------------------------------------------------* INTERNATIONAL NEWS is with thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday, IARU, ICQPodcast, IRTS, NEWSLINE, NZART, RAC, Radioworld.com, RSGB, SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA. With hundreds of people still missing in Western North Carolina and little communication from those hard-hit areas, people in the 'Triangle' are desperate to find missing loved ones. While communication's been nearly non-existent in some areas since the storm, ham radio operators are stepping in to help where they can. To assist with communications infrastructure restoration the White House said dozens of Starlink satellite systems that will provide high-speed internet access were in use in North Carolina, with over 100 more in transit to areas devastated by Hurricane Helene. Later in this bulletin of news Richard VK2SKY will join Col VK3GTV to bring you the latest in this ongoing catastrophe British police have launched an investigation into a cyberattack after passengers at the country's major railway stations saw an Islamophobic message when they tried to use Wi-Fi services. The Wi-Fi system was quickly taken offline after passengers said a message was displayed which referred to terror attacks. Network Rail, the group which manages tracks and train hubs, said the Wi-Fi remained offline following the incident at 19 stations including London Bridge and London Euston as well as Manchester Piccadilly and Edinburgh Waverley. SARL TO EXHIBIT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN AMATEUR RADIO AT SASF 2024 The SARL in partnership with AMSAT SA will exhibit at the annual South African Science Forum to be held at the CSIR conference centre in Pretoria December. The focus of the SARL/AMSAT SA exhibit will be Science and Technology in Amateur Radio. The SARL/AMSAT SA participation is being facilitated by Brian Jacobs, ZS6YZ and Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV. "We are inviting radio amateurs who are involved in Science and Technology projects featuring amateur radio to consider participating in the event and have their projects included on the SARL/ AMSAT SA stand", Brian Jacobs said. "We are in particular interested in projects involving learners and students". The Australian federal government has handed $51 million to US firm Manta Ray Solutions LLC to develop a new Pacific subsea cable. Forming part of Googles Central Pacific Connect initiative, the cable will land at Funafuti, Tuvalu, marking the islands first undersea telecommunications cable. The Tuvalu Cable System contract will run until March 31, 2027 while the project is managed by the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific. Last year, Google was tapped to deploy two trans-Pacific subsea cables between the United States and Australia, via Fiji and French Polynesia. VOA Voice of America to move to new headquarters in Washington. For 70 years it has been based at its current location, almost in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol. Now VOAs parent, the U.S. Agency for Global Media, has awarded a new lease establishing 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW as its own future headquarters and the home of VOA. The new location is three blocks from the White House in the neighbourhood of George Washington University. The agencys move to a modern facility will save taxpayers more than $150 million over the course of its 15-year lease, the organization said in a press release. The relocation will begin in the coming months and occur in phases over the next several years. ------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATIONAL NEWS - A FELIX VK4FUQ PRESENTATION -------------- -------------- NOW CONTEST WISE:- 2024 THIS WEEKEND - ON NOW ----------- Oceania DX Contest Dates/Times: PH - The first full weekend in October each year from 0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday CW - The second full weekend in October each year from 0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday Log deadline for PH and CW logs - 31 October. Some great news for youth taking part in the contest please read the text only story in our Special Interest Group news segment wia.org.au/members/contests/oceania/ ------------------- INTERNATIONAL EARTH - MOON - EARTH CONTESTS 0000 UTC on Saturday through 2359 UTC Sunday. 50 to 1296 MHz - October 19-20, AND November 16-17. Work as many amateur stations as possible via the earth-moon-earth path on any authorized amateur frequency in the bands for the specific weekends. EME Logs due back to the ARRL December 17. (arrl) ------------------- VHF UHF Field Day Upcoming Contest Date & Time Spring 2024 - 0100 UTC Saturday 23 November through 0059 UTC Sunday 24 November (0400 / 0359 in VK6). wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/ ------------------- ARRL 160 METER CW December 6-8 is the date this year but it is ALWAYS the first full weekend of December. Begins 2200 UTC Friday, ending 1559 UTC Sunday. This is a forty-two hour period with no time limitation. Logs MUST be returned within seven days (arrl) ------------------------ 10 METER ARRL CONTEST For Amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 meter band. Second full weekend of December. Starts 0000 UTC Saturday; runs through 2359 UTC Sunday (December 14-15) Again as in most ARRL Tests logs are to be completed and returned within 7 days. (arrl) -------------- YOTA CONTEST Youth on the air test 3 of 3 will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on 29 December on the five classic bands CW and SSB. (yota) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- DX WINDOW TO THE WORLD. ------------------- -------------- The Chasing Cornwallis Challenge continues October 5-7 and 19-21 with special event stations K4M and K4Y. K4M recognizes the Battle of Kings Mountain, a significant conflict during the American Revolutionary War. K4Y recognizes the Battle of Yorktown. QSL cards for each event will be available. tinyurl.com/4eke9635 -------------- NEW ZEALAND - Wireless and Wool ZM 100 DX Celebrating Historic 100 Year Trans World Radio Contact This contact was by Morse and was the first ever, trans-world two-way radio communication of any type. It was from Shag Valley Station, Otago and the contact was with Cecil Goyder G2SZ at Mill Hill School, London. ZM100DX as well as ZL4AA will be on air on site in Shag Valley Sheep Station. The main planned contact is between Shag Valley sheep Station and Mill Hill School 18th October and other celebration events are planned for the following day or two. NZART Branch 30 sincerely invites all amateurs to take part in this celebration and join in marking the 100th year since the original QSO. zl4aa.org.nz/zl4aa/history/z4aa-transworld-contact (sourced to NZART Infoline) -------------- -------------- OL 80 C.A.R.B.O.N. is active until the 30th of November to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Carbon during World War Two. This operation involved the dropping of paratroopers in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was a partially-annexed territory of Nazi Germany that was established in 1939 after the German occupation of the Czech lands A team of operators is active using call OL 80 CARBON on CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands. More information is available on QRZ.com -------- -------------- BACK TO NEW ZEALAND NZART has a special event call sign for the upcoming America's Cup to be held in Spain later this year. ZL 6 AMCUP has been allocated to celebrate this event with Phil Garside ZL2RO as the trustee of the callsign. November 30 is when ZLCAMCUP goes off air. (NZART) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------* WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org We often mention ARISS or have ARISS AUSTRALIAN CORDINATOR VK4KHZ Shane Lynd join us but for our new hams and listeners, what is ARISS? Amateur Radio on the International Space Station is ARISS and is an international program that lets students use amateur radio to talk directly with crew members living and working on the International Space Station. ARISS supports hands-on learning about radio and electronics and has organized live contacts, that connect students to the Space Station. Talking with an astronaut is an exciting and memorable way for students to apply the science and skills they learn through this program. These experiences inspire engagement in STEM studies and interest in STEM careers. So, well done ARISS. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - DIGITAL This is Peter, VK5DMR. A timely reminder to all listeners that this Tuesday night, the 8th October, is the 8th Anniversary of the VKDMR Net. I will call State by State and do several rounds to give every-one a chance to get their call-sign in the Log. So, fire up your local repeater, your hot-spot and even the club radio if youre at your local club. Dont forget the Daylight Saving change in the Southern States. So, please come and join us on Australias largest Digital Amateur Network on Talk Group 505 at 0900 GMT. For VK1WIA NATIONAL NEWS, this has been Peter, VK5DMR. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - IOTA iota-world.org/ Madagascar. Eric will be back on the air as 5 R 8 IC from Saint Marie Island IOTA REFERENCE AF-090 between mid-October and the end of December on HF (mostly CW and some SSB) and during the last 2 weeks of December. QSL via F6ICX Direct or via Bureau (sarl) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MARITIME Starlinks Unauthorized Voyage into Navy Waters In a recent edition of this WIA National News Service we brought news of the Royal Australian Navy trialling a better internet system for use of her Sailors at sea and how it would help with morale. Now from TWiT (This Week in Tech) comes word revealing that certain officers on a US Navy warship took matters into their own hands when they found the official Navy Wi-Fi inadequate. In a move reminiscent of early Wi-Fi days in corporate settings, these officers secretly installed a Starlink antenna and concealed it from the ship's captain. Emily Dreibelbis, senior reporter at PC Magazine has pointed out that this incident highlights a larger issue: the growing technological gap between the US military and the private sector. The discussion also touched on the human aspect of this issue. The challenging living conditions for sailors, especially those serving on submarines or below deck on surface ships. "Most sailors don't go to the above deck for most of their deployment. It's miserable, it's like being in an underground bunker or something like that," highlighting the importance of internet access for morale and quality of life. In an interesting twist, it was revealed that the US Navy is officially testing Starlink for potential use. This adds a layer of irony to the situation, as sailors are being punished for unauthorized use of a system that the Navy itself is considering adopting. twit.tv/posts/tech/starlinks-unauthorized-voyage-navy-waters (TWiT) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS qcwa.org raotc.org.au Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is the first Monday of the month, time for the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's October bulletin to go to air. Please note that this month there will be no 10 metre transmission f from Mike VK8MA. This month as well as the latest Club news: Ill be talking about Fleming, pioneer of radios early days This will be followed by Bill, VK3BR, with a discussion on Tin Whiskers, and a mystery solved. Everyone, RAOTC members and non-Members alike, is most welcome to listen to the program and to join in the call backs afterwards. Full details of all transmissions times and modes can be found on the RAOTC website raotc.org.au or just Google RAOTC broadcasts but - once again - there is no 10 metre transmission this month. If none of the transmission times suit you, you can download the audio file at any time from today (Sunday) from the clubs website Tune in tomorrow for the October RAOTC bulletin, enjoy the program and please join in the call backs afterwards. 73 from Clive VK6CSW. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR YOUNG TIMERS - YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) facebook.com/yotaregion2 facebook.com/groups/YOTAOC/ youtube.com/channel/UClAapljf0VQ751sOgu2IzaA twitter.com/hamyota ham-yota.com Hot on the heels of VK3MV Alex's article in this months AR Magazine re maybe a youth section in the RD contest for 2025 comes news from the Oceania DX Contest committee. Four yes 4 new late awards have been added to the Oceania contest this year! Youth MultiOp Phone and CW awards Youth Phone and CW Single op awards. The Oceania DX committee has been scrambling to get everything in place to bring these important awards to life for the 2024 contest and welcome the opportunity to promote youth in amateur radio and they hope that we have a great contest! (text only story) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO With hundreds of people still missing in Western North Carolina and little communication from those hard-hit areas, people in the Triangle are desperate to find missing loved ones. While communication's been nearly non-existent in some areas since the storm, ham radio operators are stepping in to help where they can. From his Johnston County Home, Van Lee can communicate with people all over the world. He says ham radio can be a lifeline when disaster strikes. "We don't need infrastructure. We can take a small low power radio and some wire you know how to build an antenna and get on the air," he explained. They can get messages to operators in Western North Carolina, relaying names and addresses of people who are missing, and in some cases, getting information back to their worried families. Richard VK2SKY has more:- A few days ago, the Scanner Radio app on my phone notified me that over two thousand people were monitoring W4HTP, a two metre repeater in Charlotte NC. Tuning in via Broadcastify, I found an active emergency net, being run very capably by Daniel K2DMG. Many Amateurs have been checking into this net, providing welfare checks on local residents and relaying messages to loved ones outside the area by means of Amateur Radio. Meanwhile, on HF, the Tar Heel Emergency Net, part of North Carolina ARES, has been active with nets providing longer haul communications out of the area. North Carolina, Tennessee, and surrounding areas have been very badly affected by Hurricane Helene. With widespread disruption to roads, bridges, power, and communications infrastructure, Amateurs have stepped up and proven once again that when all else fails, Amateur Radio can still get through. Links: Scanner Radio app: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scannerradio&hl=en_AU W4HTP Broadcastify feed: broadcastify.com/webPlayer/43107 Tar Heel Emergency Net: ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/ SKYWARN: weather.gov/skywarn/ News video interview with K2DMG who has been running that net on the W4HTP repeater: WJZY news interview with Daniel K2DMG: youtube.com/watch?v=3jXb9zwnO70 73 Richard VK2SKY WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- VHF AND ABOVE. In the UK, the RSGB has responded to a recent Ofcom Consultation, which would see new users sharing spectrum within their 2.3GHz amateur band. Whilst the new devices may be limited to indoor use, the RSGB has taken the opportunity to highlight concerns regarding the weak signal 2320MHz segment. In addition, the RSGB has also indicated its wish to review the current restrictions that apply to this band that date back to 2013, when it was subject to Public Sector Spectrum Release. The response and background information can be found in the link shown in this weeks WIA NATIONAL NEWS. tinyurl.com/mr37cjzy --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 IT'S A DATE Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links. ---------------------------- . VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH) GOLD COAST AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY 2024 HAMFEST Hi there! Its HamFest season, and have we got a HamFest for you! Not all hamfests are the same. The Gold Coast HamFest is renowned for the variety of businesses and other suppliers attending, not to mention the eclectic range of fellow amateurs with great gear to show and sell, plus other ham radio clubs. You know what they say about real estate? Location! Location! Location! This HamFest is on Queenslands Gold Coast, the hub of ham activity in this part of the world. Sunday, October 13 is the date. I repeat Sunday, October 13. Location is Country Paradise Parklands at 231 Beaudesert Nerang Road, Nerang. If youve been before, youll know that location. If the Gold Coast HamFest is a new one for you, just google the location. Too easy! Entry tickets are five dollars, the same as it has been for years. Doors open to the public from 08:30am. There is on-site parking and everything is under cover. Coming early, or coming late, youll need a snack. Once again we are having the very popular bacon and egg muffins, as well other items from the BBQ. To book a table, and for other info, go to gcars.com.au and look for the HamFest tab, or email hamfest@gcars.com.au See you at Nerang on Sunday October 13. This is Aidan VK4APM for the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society. VK5 - Amateur Radio Experiments Group Radio & Electronics Sale Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi) VK7 - Tasmanian Ham Conference November 2 and 3 Hobart. (vk7news) Held at the Sandy Bay Campus of UTAS. VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary School, Allambi Ave. Rosebud. (vk3pdg) 2025 VK - Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association 50th anniversary Glen Waverly July 26 president@alara.org (vk2ayl) final final Reception Reports WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs straight after the Local News. Local news follows National news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would email their reception reports and location to callbacks@wia.org.au Submitting news items If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au and send BOTH the audio and the text We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in length as we only have a half hour. Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc" Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries." We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles at the event or "on-line". ------------------------------------------------------------* Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Click the links below to download the most recent edition of National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site! WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on wiaq.org.au BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX www.vk7ax.id.au/wianews/ wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------* WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. Who and where are they? wia.org.au/members/broadcast/where/ Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." If you would like to see the call-backs reported each broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally then please send through your call-backs to callbacks@wia.org.au How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.) Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au from the email account that you wish the emails to go to. How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed) Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription. Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription from the list and at that point you should stop receiving messages. ------------------------------------------------------------*