2024 SEPTEMBER 22 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------* THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK THIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos ------------------------------------------------------------* NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 22 2024 IN OUR 29th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWS THIS WEEK:- WIA AR MAGAZINES EDITOR IN CHIEF ROGER HARRISON VK2ZRH . - PLUS POTA, SOTA AND YOTA NEWS. NOW WAIT - THERE'S MUCH MUCH MORE IN THIS EDITION OF NEWS FROM THE WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA. I'M EDITOR GRAHAM VK4BB WIA JOIN THE WIA tinyurl.com/yyj87b9y Dudes! This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. This week, I have some good news and some sad news. First, the sad news. I was informed the other day that Pete Williams VK3IZ became a silent key this past week. He was 94. Securing his licence immediately post-World War 2, Pete became a stalwart of the WIA over many years, serving in roles with both the Victorian Division and Federal WIA across the 1960s and 70s, working with the late Michael Owen VK3KI. He was also involved in the early Region 3 organisation of the International Amateur Radio Union, and with the Victorian Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network a.k.a WICEN. During the mid-1970s, in company with a couple of amateur radio colleagues, he co-founded the Vicom company, which imported Icom radios and a host of other ham radio products. Vicom became a consistent advertiser in Amateur Radio magazine, not to mention a number of industry and retail magazines of which I was editor. You will be able to read more about him in AR magazine, Issue 6. Vale, Pete Williams VK3IZ. Thanks to Dave Williams VK3YIZ. So. Now to the good news which is that Issue Number 5 of AR magazine rolled off the press at Bairnsdale last Wednesday, on time and under budget. Look out for the issue landing late next week. In your letterbox, your Post Office Box, or at your local newsagent. The theme for this soon-to-arrive issue is, as promised a Do It Yourself special. There are 30 pages count em when you get your magazine. Who said hams dont built stuff any more? Or, worse that we publish stuff that quote nobodys ever going to build? end quote. Issue 5 features, for example, an article on A Practical Transverter for 241-250 GHz thats our top band! Back down the spectrum, we have an Antenna Matching Unit for Balanced Feedpoint Antennas and you can build it with discarded and re-purposed parts. Does your rig include Charlie India dash Victor or CI-V control? For Icom rig owners, we have an article on commanding your Icom rig with a Simple Arduino-based Keyboard Interface. You might re-purpose an old PS2 keyboard! That will do for now. Amateur Radio magazine, Issue 5. More guts. Less gab. No butchers. Serving Australian amateurs for over 90 years. Proudly produced and printed in Australia. Also available online. Always published to a schedule, never random. Im Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News. AUSTRALIANA Internet breach numbers across Australia hit a three-year high. Government was the second-most breached sector in Australia during the first six months of 2024, reporting 63 incidents in total. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) recorded 44 malicious or criminal attacks on government agencies, with the majority of these - 41 - caused by impersonation or social engineering. One cyber incident was recorded in the six-month period and two breaches were attributed to a "rogue employee or insider threat". Meanwhile, the government reported 17 breaches caused by human error and two from a system fault. The OAICs rules mostly apply to federal agencies, although some state and territory breaches could be present in its numbers, if a breach impacted a Commonwealth credential such as a tax file number. The latest OAIC figures for the first half of 2024, represent a 65 percent increase for the government sector compared to the previous period. The majority of breaches around 87 percent took more than 30 days to identify. tinyurl.com/4dyucued (itnews) EDUCATION. Class Licence Qualification Training Courses Attention all Club Presidents and Secretarys of WIA Affiliated clubs. The WIA Education Committee formed last year has been tasked with providing training material to support WIA affiliated clubs with their training endeavours. To support WIA clubs a survey is to be emailed out seeking information on the type of training material that may assist clubs with their training programs. The survey is not complicated and should only take a few minutes to complete. Please keep a watch on your inboxes for the survey. Completed surveys can emailed to vk1wx@wia.org.au Amanda Hawes VK1AH/VK1WX Chair & Secretary WIA Education Committee (text edition only) LEARN THE SUBTLE ART OF BALUN BUILDING The next ARNSW Buildathon will be on Sunday the 13th of October at Dural. After previous Balun Buildathon, ARNSW received requests to include some Balun Accessories; so, this will be a Baluns and more Buildathon. Along with the kits, suitable to make either a 1:1 or 4:1 balun, there are parts available to make something to connect to your balun as well. Kevlar-cored antenna wire will be available. This wire is lighter than solid core copper wire and stronger, too. It can be used to make dipoles and many other kinds of wire antenna. An introductory technical presentation will provide an overview of balun principles, balun kit assembly and some information on dipole antennas, to assist in construction and use of your balun, antenna or both. ARNSW also have facilities to test your balun and antenna before leaving on the day. Participants are requested to bring their own hand tools and soldering stations if they have them although a small number will be available for shared use. Balun kits and wire must be pre-ordered, but you can pay for your items on the day. To register your interest email events@arnsw.org.au (sourced to VK2WI News) DARLING DOWNS Also on the education front, DDARCinc's 14 October meeting will feature another "how to do it" session. They're talking "Makers". John VK2 tells us more. "We've invited Toowoomba's Maker Queen, Steph Piper - Head of the UniSQ Maker Space, and a leader in Australia's wearable electronics maker community. Steph will show us how 3D printing works, and what we can do with it. Steph Piper is one of an emerging breed of technologists. Steph is focused on how to merge creative arts and electronics, and she's passionate about passing important skills to kids. Steph also creates Soldering kits that help introduce people to the world of electronics. You might just take away an inspirational idea for a birthday or Christmas present for the younger people in your family. Come along to the Darling Downs Radio Club's next monthly meeting at 7pm 14 October at the Toowoomba Library - everyone is welcome. ddrci.org.au and all the detail is on the home page under Coming Events. I'm John VK4JPM, Secretary of the Darling Downs Radio Club. Thanks John and we'll have more on this gathering during QNEWS from VK4WIA straight after WIA NATIONAL NEWS. Submitting news items If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. BUT WE ARE AN AUDIO NEWS SERVICE SO UNLESS YOU ONLY OPERATE FT8 MICROPHES AT THE READY AND THESE DAYS ALL MOBILE OHONES HAVE AN AUDIO RECORDER.. AS 75% OF OUR CORRESPONDENTS USE. To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au and send BOTH the audio and the text We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in length as we only have a half hour. Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc" ------------------------------------------------------------* INTERNATIONAL NEWS is with thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday, IARU, ICQPodcast, IRTS, NEWSLINE, NZART, RAC, Radioworld.com, RSGB, SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA. August edition of the IARU Monitoring System newsletter The August edition of the IARU Monitoring System Region 1 newsletter features reports of new intruder activity on the 10-metre band. The report cites erratic behaviour of military radar type signals that make it hard to avoid on the band. Normally a quiet month in radio terms, radar-based intruders continued to dominate reports across all bands monitored. The reports provide detailed insights regarding intruders on the amateur radio bands and offer details of what to look out for. You can download the newsletter as well as previous editions from the Monitoring System Region 1 page ON iaru-r1.org The BBC is looking to make its podcasts and other content delivered via BBC Sounds more accessible to people who are deaf or have hard of hearing issues. To achieve, the broadcaster is turning to generative AI technology. Beginning on Aug. 29, 2024, the BBC brings subtitling to the BBC Sounds app for a three-month trial. According to a blog post from Aniruddh Dimri, head of product for BBC Sounds, manually captioning the 27,000 hours of content produced monthly for BBC Sounds would be both time consuming and prohibitively expensive. Instead, Dimri wrote, we have been looking at whether AI can help us add high quality, accurate subtitles to our audio content. BBC is using Whisper AI, an automatic speech recognition system. EXPLODING PAGERS - RF ACTIVATED? BEIRUT (AP) Pagers used by hundreds of members of the militant group Hezbollah exploded near simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria on Tuesday, killing at least nine people and wounding several thousand, officials said. Hezbollah and the Lebanese government blamed Israel for what appeared to be a sophisticated, remote attack. The pagers that blew up had apparently been acquired by Hezbollah after the groups leader ordered members in February to stop using cell phones, warning they could be tracked by Israeli intelligence. A Hezbollah official told The Associated Press the pagers were a new brand but declined to say how long they had been in use. How did the pagers explode? We still dont know. BUT We do know the day after what appears to be ICOM hand held walkie talkies exploded. Some speculation has focused on the radio network that pagers rely on, suggesting that it may have been hacked, causing the system to emit a signal that triggered a response within the already doctored pagers. On Tuesday, thousands of pagers used by Hezbollah exploded simultaneously, killing 12 people and wounding up to 2,800 others a day later, 25 people were killed and more than 450 wounded when the walkie-talkies exploded. The devices, according to photos and video of the aftermath of the attack, appear to be IC-V82 transceivers made by Icom BUT Icom says it hasnt produced or exported IC-V82s, nor the batteries needed to operate them, for 10 years. As an on going breaking news story we suggest you google authorised news services to "stay abreast" (cnn/ny times/guardian etc etc etc) HOLLAND The 2024 IBC Show, which has just wrapped up at the RAI Amsterdam, saw about a 5% increase over the 2023 event. The International Broadcasting Convention, more commonly known by its initials IBC, is an annual trade show, held in September at the RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IBC announced that 45,085 visitors from 170 countries converged on the RAI Amsterdam during the show, which ran from Sept. 13-16. This years show addressed soaring interest in trends such as AIs leap from theory to real-world applications, how the industry is fighting disinformation in news, and the need to foster talent and diversity across media, entertainment and technology. LOOK - UP IN THE SKY US scientists in the Space Weather Prediction Centre of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are collaborating with the National Weather Service to update the way solar storms and other space weather is classified. According to an article on the space.com website, the scientists recognize that new knowledge about geomagnetic storms and recent advances in technology require them to revisit ways they look at space weather and its impact on the Earth and human space travel. The Space Weather Prediction Centres program coordinator, Bill Murtagh, explained the need for change during an interview with space.com, saying "The user base and needs have changed, the capabilities, the science and our understanding of the science a lot has changed. And the scales for all practical purposes have not changed, and they need to." Some current scale categories for geomagnetic storms reflect impact on power grids and spacecraft operations, for instance, and others focus on the radio blackouts that have a serious impact on HF radio and navigation systems. Only a week ago a powerful solar flare spat out from the sun sparked radio blackouts across South America and the mid-Atlantic Ocean. The sunspot responsible for the "very strong" X4.5-class flare -- named sunspot AR-3825 -- also ejected a large plume of solar plasma, which headed in the direction of Earth. When this coronal mass ejection (CME) hits the atmosphere, it was expected to spark G3-class geomagnetic storms, leading to the northern lights being visible as far south as California, Missouri and Colorado, again according to spaceweather.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATIONAL NEWS - A FELIX VK4FUQ PRESENTATION -------------- -------------- NOW CONTEST WISE:- 2024 -------------- -------------- Reminder re logs for 44th Alara Contest Hi this is Lesley VK5LOL the Alara Contest Manager. I just wish to remind you that all logs from the 44th Alara Contest need to reach me before the end of this month, the 30th September. Looking forward to receiving your logs, this has been Lesley VK5LOL for WIA National News. ---------- Oceania DX Contest Dates/Times: PH - The first full weekend in October each year from 0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday CW - The second full weekend in October each year from 0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday Log deadline for PH and CW logs - 31 October. This years contest will be held on October 5th and 12th respectively. oceaniadxcontest.com wia.org.au/members/contests/oceania/ ------------------- INTERNATIONAL EARTH - MOON - EARTH CONTESTS 0000 UTC on Saturday through 2359 UTC Sunday. 2.3 GHz & Up - THIS WEEKEND September 21-22. 50 to 1296 MHz - October 19-20, AND November 16-17. Work as many amateur stations as possible via the earth-moon-earth path on any authorized amateur frequency in the bands for the specific weekends. EME Logs due back to the ARRL December 17. (arrl) ------------------- VHF UHF Field Day Upcoming Contest Date & Time Spring 2024 - 0100 UTC Saturday 23 November through 0059 UTC Sunday 24 November (0400 / 0359 in VK6). wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/ ------------------- YOTA CONTEST Youth on the air test 3 of 3 will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on 29 December on the five classic bands CW and SSB. (yota) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- DX WINDOW TO THE WORLD. -------------- GREENLAND THIS WEEKEND ONLY Henning, OZ2I informs he will be active from Greenland as XP 2 I during September 20-22. Actual QTH is Black Ridge about 200 meter Above Sea Level Grid: GP47PA. 80-10 (maybe 160) CW only. QSL XP 2 I via LoTW, Club Log OQRS. (dx-world) ------------- SOMALIA A group of operators are active as 6 O 3 T (six oh three tee) from Northern Somalia all month till September 30 on 160 to 6 metres using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL 6 O 3 T via operators instructions. (sarl) ------------------- FIJI 3 D 2 MA until September 23 from 40 to 10 meter using FT8. QSL 3D2MA via home call VK3BDL. (dx-world) -------------- TANZANIA 5 H 3 MB until October 11. Operator is a volunteer at the Ikelu hospital so spare time only QSO's. HF using CW, SSB and digi. QSL 5H3MB via home call ( IK2GZU ) bureau or direct, or LoTW. (dx-world) --------------- Y Listen for TM 24 JPO until the 8th of September for the Paralympic Games, QSL TM24JPO by the operators home station F 8 GGZ (dx net) ----------- Y AUSTRALIA VI7POL For 2024 National Police Week in Australia, a special event call of VI 7 POL will be on air. The call will be active between 14th September an 29th September to celebrate the 7th annual National Police Week, a celebration of our nations police. National Police Week includes the 15th annual Wall to Wall Ride For Remembrance and National Police Remembrance Day on 27th September. National Police Remembrance Day is a time to pause to honour the 826 Australian police officers whose lives have been lost while performing their duty. It is a time to remember police officers who have lost their lives through illness or other circumstances. VI7POL will be active on 10, 15, 20, 40, & 80m SSB, FT8, and FT4. More information on VI7POL including QSL information can be found on QRZ.com. 73 Paul VK5PAS. -------------- Y K4A The Alabama Contest Group will be operating the 9-11 Remembering Our Heroes special event September 8-11. The K4A special event station will be on the air to honour the victims of 9-11. This year a new special QSL and certificate "Honouring Our Heroes" theme will be available. To those who contact K4A on 3 bands using any combination of bands/modes the group will offer a full colour glossy certificate on heavy paper which will be mailed in a full size Manila envelope all postage paid by the Alabama Contest Group, EVEN if here in Australia. (or any DX). (ard) -------------- Y SOUTH COOK. Thomas, N2WLG is active as E 51 WLG until September 8 from 40 to 10 meters using CW and digital. QSL E51WLG via LoTW, home call (N2WLG), direct or bureau. (dx-world) -------------- Y HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN Leo, DL2COM and Roman, DL3TU will be active (CW only) from the Principality of Liechtenstein the end of September or early October. Weather permitting they will operate Field Day style for two days from the summit of Augstenberg which is 2359 meters A.S.L. using just 50-100 watts and directional antennas. The location has been carefully chosen to allow a good take off to VK. Both ops say they are happy to log as many callers as possible but will focus on VK/ZL/JA during UTC morning. Updates, such as the exact dates, will be published on their QRZ.com pages. QSL via their home callsigns DL2COM and DL3TU in LoTW, direct or via the bureau. (dx world) -------------- Y NEW ZEALAND NZART has a special event call sign for the upcoming America's Cup to be held in Spain later this year. ZL 6 AMCUP has been allocated to celebrate this event with Phil Garside ZL2RO as the trustee of the callsign. November 30 is when ZLCAMCUP goes off air. (NZART) -------------- Y OL 80 C.A.R.B.O.N. is active until the 30th of November to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Carbon during World War Two. This operation involved the dropping of paratroopers in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was a partially-annexed territory of Nazi Germany that was established in 1939 after the German occupation of the Czech lands A team of operators is active using call OL 80 CARBON on CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands. More information is available on QRZ.com -------------- Y Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Radio Belgrade, the Belgrade Amateur Radio Club is active as YT 100 RB and YU 1924 RB until November 30. For details of a certificate that is available, see yu1ano.org (rsgb) -------------- y MALAYSIA To celebrate Malaysia Day, special callsign 9M61S has been active until the 16th of September. Operators are working on the HF bands using SSB, CW and digital modes. For more information see QRZ.com (rsgb) --------------- y Be listening for the Zurich City Police Radio Amateur Club throughout the year, operating as HB 2 SP the club is marking its 20th anniversary. Unfortunately no Bureau QSL's but you can use Logbook Of The World, and HB20SP runs until December 31. (sourced to ARNewsLine 2410) -------------- y Listen throughout the year for the special callsign 9 A 1 RKZ marking the 100th anniversary of the Radioklub Zagreb which was founded the 24th of March 1924 in Croatia QSL via 9A1ADE. (ARNewsLine 2410) -------------- y DXpedition to Namibia. This DXpedition will run from the end of October through the first week of November. Call-Sign will be V 55 LA. With their QTH already secured, the team is now working on the antenna farm layout and exploring options to make the most of their ideal location. M0OXO is QSL Manager for V55LA. ( m0oxo.com/ ) ------------- y AUSTRIA OE100RADIO [OSCAR-ECHO-ONE-HUNDRED-ROMEO-ALPHA-DELTA-INDIA-OSCAR] is active until the 31st of December celebrating the 100th anniversary of the beginning of regular radio transmissions in Austria in 1924. The station has heard recently on the 40m band using CW. QSL via the Bureau. (gb2rs) ---------- y BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. E 7 100 RADIO is the special call sign for the Bosnia and Herzegovina IARU member society to celebrate 100 years of amateur radio innovation, community, and advocacy. QSL via operators' instructions. (eHam) ------------------------------------------------------------* WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org AMSAT-OSCAR 7, soon to celebrate its 50th birthday, November 15, is now in a period of continuous sunlight through till May 2027. While in continuous sunlight, the satellite's internal timer is expected to switch between the two transponders - Mode A (29 MHz downlink and 145 MHz uplink) and Mode B (145 MHz downlink and 29 MHz uplink) every 24 hours. [ANS] Not as old but further afield than OSCAR 7 is VOYAGER ONE. After 47 years its little wonder that the hydrazine-powered thrusters of the Voyager 1, used to orient the spacecraft in such a way that its 3.7 meter diameter antenna always points back towards Earth, are getting somewhat clogged up. As a result, the team has now switched back to the thrusters which they originally retired back in 2018. The Voyager spacecraft each have three sets of thrusters. Two sets were originally intended for attitude propulsion, and one for trajectory correction manoeuvres, but since leaving the Solar System many years ago, Voyager 1s navigational needs have become more basic, allowing all three sets to be used effectively interchangeably. Unlike a few decades ago, the spacecraft is much colder due to energy-conserving methods, complicating the switching of thruster sets. Switching on a cold thruster set could damage it, so it had to be warmed up first with its thruster heaters. The conundrum was where to temporarily borrow power from, ultimately a main heater was turned off for an hour, allowing the thruster swap to take place and allowing Voyager 1 to breathe a bit more freely for now. Compared to the recent scare involving Voyager 1 where NASA thought that its computer systems might have died, this matter probably feels more routine to the team in charge, but with a spacecraft thats the furthest removed man-made spacecraft in outer space, NOTHING is ever truly routine. twiar.net/?p=23417 (twiar) WORLD WIDE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP NEWS SUMMITS ON THE AIR, WORLD WIDE FLORA, FAUNA PROGRAM, PARKS ON THE AIR and other ADVENTURE GROUPS. hema.org.uk/index.jsp minesontheair.com/about-mota parksontheair.com/ sota.org.uk sotawatch.sota.org.uk/en/ facebook.com/SotaAustralia/ wwffaustralia.com/ https://bunkersontheair.wixsite.com/october23 A NEW JEWEL IN A SOTA QUEEN'S CROWN Our first story is about SOTA -- Summits on the Air -- and the achievement that became possible for one YL -- in memory of another. We hear about them both from Ralph Squillace KK6ITB. "In a recent posting on the SOTA Reflector, Amy AG7GP, shared a thought from Ron Burns, NR3E, as he described his late wife's can-do attitude: [quote] "There are no real hurdles in life, only those that you imagine. Liz was proof that you can do anything you want, no matter what life hands you." [endquote] Ron and his wife, Liz K1LIZ, shared many challenging SOTA activations and hunts until she became a Silent Key in February of 2022. Liz, who was blind for more than three decades, had recently achieved the coveted SOTA standing of Mountain Goat. The organizers of the inaugural Queens of the Mountains YL SOTA event this past June have added a new jewel to the crown of one Queen of those same mountains: They call the honour the K1LIZ Memorial Achievement Award. It was conferred recently on Lorene W6LOR. Announcing the honour on the SOTA Reflector in a September 7th post, Amy AG7GP praised Lorene for her events during that June weekend. Lorene was presented with a personalized beverage glass. Amy wrote that the honour was being given [quote] "in memory of Liz's indomitable spirit that inspired so many." [endquote] Queen Lorene's glass is not half-full - it is brimming over with the spirit of a beloved fellow activator who knew that summits were never meant to be hurdles, only opportunities to showcase excellence. This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB. (arnewsline 2446) POTA ON Marty VK4KC joins in now from "a park near you". From Mon 14th to Sun 20th Oct we have a special event called Australia and New Zealand Coast to Coast POTA. Its like a park-fest but without coming together in one location. Here are three ideas for activators to consider for the Coast to Coast week: Make an effort to activate a few parks during this week. Perhaps some may like to do a rove which is activating a minimum of 5 parks in a 24 hour period. Invite another ham operator or operators to go out and activate with you, perhaps even an overnight camp at a park on the final weekend, which is the POTA support your parks weekend for October. Team up with someone who is not licensed. This may be the trigger that ignites their desire to become licensed. There will be a special participation certificate for activators and hunters who make POTA contacts during this special POTA event. For more information contact me, Marty VK4KC or Alan VK1AO our email addresses are available at QRZ.com This is Marty VK4KC saying POTA ON! WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MARITIME Defence is looking for a cost-effective way to use Starlink to improve the quality of life of personnel serving on its roughly 50 Australian naval vessels. The project, which is expected to run for about two years, would cover the acquisition, integration, and installation of new hardware, software, and network infrastructure. The enhanced quality-of-life internet rollout" program aims to upgrade the Australian Navys current on-board systems by providing enhanced ship-to-shore connectivity for personnel at sea, transforming their ability to maintain contact with their families, community, and administrative resources while deployed. Also under exploration is an internet service that that can support content from platforms such as Netflix and Foxtel, though not live streaming. tinyurl.com/8vuwvacx (itnews) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MILITARY Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the Signal Identification Guide Wiki at sigidwiki.com/wiki/Category:Military THE JUNGLES ALIVE - WITH DX. Listen and work PZ 5 JT this October and November during a jungle training exercise of the Royal Dutch Army from Suriname. The SURINAME STATION is manned by personnel from the signal regiment on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 meter using SSB. PZ5JT will be using in-service military radios (L3Harris) from different locations but most of the time from main command post keep your ears open for a special /M or /P from more challenging locations. That jungle radio again? PZ5JT. (dx-world) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR YOUNG TIMERS - YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) facebook.com/yotaregion2 facebook.com/groups/YOTAOC/ youtube.com/channel/UClAapljf0VQ751sOgu2IzaA twitter.com/hamyota ham-yota.com New youth have joined our wonderful hobby! A couple weekends ago, A R N S W and Waverly Amateur Radio Club held a training course at Dural. A total of 14 people attended, with one being an upgrade. What is extra special about this course is 6 attendees were YOTA, one being 10 years old, another 9 and our youngest attendee is 7 years old! We had a 100% pass rate, which means all of our YOTAs are now new members of the hobby! Congratulations and welcome aboard. I will write more for AR Magazine. Now over to the RSGB, who are looking for the next volunteer Youth Champion. This could be one role or split between people who focus on different aspects of it. The Youth Champion will work closely with RSGB Board Liaison, Ben Lloyd, G W 4 B M L and the RSGB Outreach Team to ignite interest, develop links with schools, universities, Scouts, Guides and the general public. They will also help to support current young amateurs and motivate them to try new things within amateur radio after they gain their licence. Attention to all our amateurs who are connected some way with Scouts! As you may be aware, Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet, otherwise known as JOTA/JOTI is on the weekend of 18 to 20 October. This years theme is Scouts for A Greener World. If you are a licenced radio amateur operator and wish to join the Scouts NSW network, please contact the Scouts NSW JOTA/JOTI Coordinator Chris Horne. jotajoti@nsw.scouts.com.au For more details and activity locations across Australia, please visit vkjotajoti.com. For VK1WIA National News, I am Alec, VK2MV in Sydney, now back to you Col. Chris Horne: jotajoti@nsw.scouts.com.au WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO SCOUTING VKJOTAJOTI.COM scouts.com.au scout.org/jota international.scouts.com.au jotajoti.info/ Brett Nicholas VK2BNN Scouts Australia National co-ordinator for JOTA. Lorraine OHare VK2FICQ is Girl Guides Australia National JOTA-JOTI Co-ordinator. Jota always 3rd weekend in October so 2024 = October 18 - 21 CALLING FREQUENCIES Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication. Australian voice calling frequencies: 3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160 World CW calling frequencies: 3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160 World voice calling frequencies: 3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360, 24.960, 28.390, 50.160 Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV): 3.630, 7.033, 14.227 Calling Frequencies for PSK31 14.070 Girl Guides in Sri Lanka got some guidance recently from the Radio Society of Sri Lanka, which helped them get on the air. The International Girl Guide Camp left a lasting mark on two thousand Girl Guides from Sri Lanka's nine provinces and showcased the power of amateur radio for them all. The Radio Society of Sri Lanka was there in Ceylon to conduct demonstrations and to help the girls' hands-on experience with radio. Society volunteers ensured there would be radio capability by setting up for HF, VHF and EchoLink communications. The radio society considered it a milestone for the camp with the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association getting on the air with an amateur radio club licence of its own, the Girl Guides were calling as 4 S 7 GGA. (arnewsline 2446) The International Scouts and Guides Jamboree on the Air, or JOTA, is just a few weeks away. If youre looking for activity ideas for the weekend, check out the Manly Warringah post on their web site. mwrs.org.au/2023/05/17/jotas-coming/ A few ideas are Build an Emergency Radio Station Introduction to Shortwave See with your ears as well as your eyes - yes - Seeing Electronic Signals with an Oscilloscope. Morse Code Radio Battleships Code Breaking Slow Scan TV To give the youngsters a taste of international voice contacts, check on or near these calling frequencies: 3.690, 7.090 and .190, 14.29, 18.14, 21.36, 24.96, 28.39 & 50.160 MHz. (vk2wi) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 IT'S A DATE Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links. ---------------------------- VK6 - PerthTech ON THIS WEEKEND. VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH) VK5 - Amateur Radio Experiments Group Radio & Electronics Sale Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi) VK7 - Tasmanian Ham Conference November 2 and 3 Hobart. (vk7news) Held at the Sandy Bay Campus of UTAS. Get ready for the 2024 Tassie Ham-E-Con Amateur Radio Conference on November 2nd and 3rd 2024 at the Sir Stanley Burbury Theatre, Sandy Bay Campus of the University of Tasmania. This years conference theme focuses on cutting-edge innovations and advancements in amateur radio. Our three keynote speakers over the weekend are: Dr. Tamitha Skov WX6SWW, who will share insights on space weather, Dr. Justin Thurley who is our Tasmania innovation guru sharing insights into innovation mechanism and how they apply to Amateur Radio and Kristen McIntyre, K6WX, with her thought provoking presentation titled Ground is a Myth. There are many many other fascinating presentations including cyber security, artificial intelligence, contesting, high power, and much more that we will cover in future broadcasts and if we have piqued your interest then take a look at the website on the email edition of this broadcast. reast.asn.au/news-events/tassie-ham-radio-conference/ While you are there take a look at our very impressive raffle prize pool that is growing by the day. We will also be celebrating 60 years of ICOM and there are some interesting announcements from the WIA and we will be hosting a discussion forum with an impressive panel exploring the secrets to energizing ham radio! With innovation at its core, this event is a must-attend for all radio enthusiasts. Book now! VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary School, Allambi Ave. Rosebud. (vk3pdg) How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.) Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au from the email account that you wish the emails to go to. How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed) Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription. Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription from the list and at that point you should stop receiving messages. ------------------------------------------------------------*