2024 MAY 26 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------* THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK THIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos ------------------------------------------------------------* NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING MAY 26 2024 IN OUR 29th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWS THIS WEEK:- WIA DIRECTOR GILES KIRBY VK5GK and WIA STILL AFTER OVER 12 MONTHS LOOKING FOR I.T. AND SOCIAL MEDIA GURUS. - AND WIA'S POET LAUREAT JOINS US AFTER HIS SOJURN TO BUNDABERG AND THE COPRAL COAST. BUT WAIT - THERE'S MUCH MUCH MORE IN THIS EDITION OF NEWS FROM THE WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA. I'M EDITOR GRAHAM VK4BB WIA JOIN THE WIA tinyurl.com/yyj87b9y This is Giles Kirby VK5GK Delivering the WIA directors update. One of my interests involves updating and polishing the WIA brand. Were a 100-year-old organisation steeped in history and built on pillars of great radio amateurs. I want our promotional materials to pay homage to this history and acknowledge that were in the 21st century and we need to attract new audiences. Were still seeking EOIs for IT manager positions and social media moderators. But what I want to highlight today are the Marketing and Promotional roles. Do you have an aesthetic eye? Do you perhaps have experience in digital publishing or design? If youre a talented individual with a little time to spare, Id love to work with you. Please make expressions of interest to our secretary or using the Contact Us form on the website. Wed love to hear from you. In line with this. Wed love to broaden our pool of images for promotional purposes. If you have great images relating to amateur radio that youd be happy for us to use, then please reach out. Im personally a fan of great antenna photographs. This has been Giles Kirby VK5GK delivering the directors update. 73s. Dudes! Yes, this is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. Fresh from my travel to and from the WIA AGM in Bundaberg. A sojourn involving Rum, chums and Childers peanuts. The news is this Issue number 3 of AR mag whizzed off the press at Bairnsdale last Wednesday. Should everything beyond our control proceed as planned, your precious copies should be in your letter boxes, Post Offices Boxes, and perhaps even in precious your hands, around Thursday next week, the 30th of May. Oh, boy. Do we have an issue for you. The very dramatic cover of spectacular cloud-to-cloud lightning illustrates our feature article on lightning scatter propagation, written by that inveterate stalwart Rex VK7MO. The subject of lightning scatter radio propagation has been a matter of habitual speculation over many decades. Rex, in his indefatigable way, sheds much bright light on the subject pun intended and proof that its a real thing. Talking of indefatigable, our prolific contributor of tantalizing technical articles, Lou Destafano VK3AQZ, completes his three-band rig for the road this issue AND launches into a description of test sets for homebrew transmitters. And before I go, inspired by the AGM road trip, I penned this little verse: I love an unburnt country Of gently sloping plains Of lusty wombat frolics And waveguide made from drains On strident peak-top Field Days While striving contact gains I recall the smell of nature And waveguide made from drains Wistly rising solder smoke Gently nudges times a-weighin To factries mand by blokes And waveguide made from dray-ins I left that closed horizon To venture forth on planes To build a new beginning And waveguide made from drains There we are. Issue number 3 of Amateur Radio magazine, Volume 92. More guts. Less gab. Proudly produced and printed in Australia. AUSTRALIANA The Australian Government has announced that it will commence important reforms to improve the Emergency Call Service, as part of its official response to the review into last years Optus outage. On 8 November 2023, the nationwide outage left millions of Australians and small businesses without access to communications services, with many unable to call Triple Zero. The next day the government announced a post-incident review to be led by the former Deputy Chair of ACMA, Richard Bean which examined emergency call arrangements, customer communications and complaints handling during and after the outage. The review was granted a short extension in February after additional information was received from Optus related to the telcos wilting arrangements an industry practice where signals from mobile towers are powered down during disruptions in order for Triple Zero calls to be carried by another network. The government understands that the disruption to some Triple Zero calls during the outage was predominantly caused by a failure of Optus 3G towers to wilt and while Optus says this issue is now resolved, the review identified a broader need to improve information flows, governance and technical assurance frameworks in the emergency calling context. Bean submitted the reviews final report on 21 March 2024, making 18 recommendations aimed at addressing structural issues within the broader telecommunications ecosystem as specified in the reviews terms of reference so that the telco industry may learn from the outage. Key recommendations are shown in the link to criticalcomms.com.au which is in the text edition of this weeks WIA NATIONAL NEWS ( wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ ) ( criticalcomms.com.au ) ------------------------------------------------------------* INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to ARRL, DX-WORLD, eHam, Hackaday, IARU, ICQPodcast, NEWSLINE, NZART, RAC, Radioworld.com, RSGB, SARL and the World Wide sources of the WIA. Club of the Year During the Dayton Hamvention, many awards are bestowed, this year the Club Of The Year goes to the YLRL, Young Ladies Radio League. And a good year to receive this award as the Young Ladies Radio League, is celebrating its 85th Anniversary in 2024. With members from all over the world, the organization has been involved in everything from contests to emergency events to helping new hams get licensed and, on the air, as well as everything in between. Established in 1939, YLRL has been proud to have had a booth at Hamvention since the 1950s and a YL Forum since the 1960s. Women helping women in Amateur Radio is a mission statement for this club, but there are also contest and award opportunities for the OMs who support their YLs. YLRL has the motto QRV - I AM READY and they are ready to assist in the radio community. Happy 99th Birthday to the SARL On Wednesday 20 May 1925, the South African Radio Relay League (SARRL) was formed, just a month after the world's radio amateurs met in Paris to form the world body, the International Amateur Radio Union. The word 'Relay' was dropped in 1947. Council is already busy with the planning for the centenary celebrations in May 2025. 99 years of service to the radio amateurs of South Africa, Happy birthday SARL! Sony Draws Line In The Sand On Artificial Intelligence. With AI already infiltrating the music industry, highlighted by the release of a new song from Randy Travis using AI technology, Sony is warning hundreds of companies not to use artists signed to their labels in AI applications without permission. The label group is sending formal letters to more than 700 generative AI companies and streaming platforms prohibiting them from using SMG content without explicit licensing agreements. In the letter, Sony said it recognizes the significant potential and advancement of artificial intelligence. Evolutions in technology have frequently shifted the course of creative industries. AI will likely continue that long-standing trend, the letter stated. However, that innovation must ensure that songwriters and recording artists rights, including copyrights, are respected. SUPERFOX MODE It was only six years ago, 2018, that the Baker Island DXpedition changed the face of digital QSOs when it debuted the Fox/Hound sub-mode of WSJT-X. Joe Taylor, K1JT, and his dedicated team of software developers and testers have provided hundreds of thousands of DXpedition QSOs in the succeeding years. Never resting on what was good enough yesterday, Joe Taylors team will soon offer a SuperFox mode of WSJT-X for making rapid FT8 QSOs. Hounds chasing the SuperFox DX station will transmit normal FT8 signals, but rather than sending concurrent streams of up to five FT8 signals, the SuperFox station will transmit a single constant envelope, using a 1.5 KHz-wide waveform, that conveys signal reports or RR73 acknowledgments to as many as nine different Hounds simultaneously. Another very significant improvement will be a digital signature contained in the SuperFox message that will allow the receiving software to verify the legitimate origin of the signal from a validated DXpedition. The SuperFox development team will be beta testing the software in coming weeks with the goal to have it rolled out in time to debut during the N 5 J Jarvis Island DXpedition a few months from now. HAM EXEMPTION RESTORED TO PENNSYLVANIA HANDS-FREE LAW Ham radio operators who are driving in Pennsylvania USA are to be exempted after all from a new distracted-driving law, following outcry from amateurs that a previous version of the proposed law lacked protection for them. An exemption for hams had been stripped out of the language during the legislative process but, according to news reports, it was recently restored. Following the bill's passage by the state's House of Representatives, it was expected to be sent to the governor, who is to sign it into law. And talking of 'going mobile' and operating - If you think you can't operate mobile CW unless you have a radio and unless you also know the Code, think again. Some automobiles on the market are making mobile CW operating easier than ever. Almost effortless, in fact, as we hear from Newslines Dave Parks WB 8 ODF. It seems that in the last few years, operating mobile CW hasn't even required an amateur radio license - or so it seems, if you look at the carmakers have embrace Morse Code as an automotive design element. In the summer of 2022, models of Jeep vehicles featured the "dit" and the "dah" across the front grille. Jeep's Dubai-based ad agency, Publicis Dubai, explained that by sporting these CW symbols upfront, Jeep owners could feel a sense of community and a spirit of adventure in remote, off-road places. This bold gesture followed a more subtle use of CW by the same carmaker four years earlier: the 2018 Jeep Compass featured Code on the driver's left footrest in a message spelling out "sand snow rivers rocks," all familiar Jeep uncharted terrain. Not to be left behind in the off-road dust, Hyundai has recently put four illuminated "dits" on its steering wheel - CW for the letter "H." The Code began appearing in new models such as the Santa Fe, the Kona and Hyundai's electric SUV, the Ioniq. Now the Toyota Tacoma is getting into the traffic jam: This year's SUV has Morse Code symbols appear on a side panel of the dashboard. The code provides directions to a way in which car owners can find plans to build their own 3-D printed automotive accessories. This is Dave Parks WB8ODF. (NewsLine 2428) Thanks Dave, now in just a tic Operational News, but at the international desk I'm Jason VK2LAW, see you next week from Sydney. ------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATIONAL NEWS - A FELIX VK4FUQ PRESENTATION -------------- -------------- NOW CONTEST WISE:- 2024 -------------- -------------- VK Shires Contest June 8 - 9 starts 0000 UTC Sat until 2359 Sunday ALL HF Bands all the way from 10 to 160 meters SSB & CW only (Di VK4DI) -------------- Also on June 9 but only CW mode is New Zealand Straight Key Night (Winter Edition) 0800 to 0900 UTC on 80 metres. Operators send signal report, name, location, type of key, type of transmitter and power output, which is limited to 100w. An important note for first-time participants: SKN uses the QSY Rule. Any station that calls CQ must QSY after making a contact. Full details about SKN are available zl1.nz/skn or you can email neil@zl1.nz (nzart) -------------- JARL's ALL ASIA CW Saturday 15 June, 00:00 -till Mon, 17 June, 00:00 jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-3_Contests/2015AA_rule.htm (vk4sn calendar) -------------- WIA WINTER UHF VHF FIELD DAY 0100 UTC Saturday 22 June through 0059 UTC Sunday 23 June (in VK6 it's 0300 / 0359 in VK6). wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/ (wia) ---------------------------------------------------- IARU HF World Championship July 13-14. Starts: Zero hours UTC Saturday Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday (CQ) ---------------------------------------------------- Trans-Tasman Low Band Contest July 21st The Trans-Tasman contest, always held on the 3rd weekend in July, aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL Only contest bands 160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and Digital (i.e. RTTY OR PSK) This contest is another official WIA Contest and will count towards the Peter Brown Contest Champion Awards. (wia.org.au) ------------------- YOTA Contest 2024 The next session of this year's YOTA Contest will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC 21 July on the five classic bands using CW and SSB. Everyone can work everyone. The complete rules can be found on ham-yota.com/contest. ----------------- RSGB IOTA Contest July 27. ----------------- AUGUST 17 - 18 Remembrance Day Contest. This contest commemorates the Australian Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area. A perpetual trophy is awarded annually to the Australian state or territory with the best performance. The name of the winning State or Territory is inscribed on the trophy, and that State or Territory then holds the trophy for 12 months. The winning State or Territory is also given a certificate, as are leading entrants. Amateurs will endeavour to contact amateurs in VK call areas, ZL and P29 on all bands except WARC bands. Modes allowed are PHONE, CW and RTTY as per the era remembered Again the 2024 contest is 17th & 18th August. (wia.org.au) ----------------------------- 44th A.L.A.R.A. CONTEST AND this ALARA contest is ALWAYS held on the last FULL weekend of August. ELIGIBILITY? All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to participate. Scout and Girl Guide groups are encouraged to take part using their Club's equipment and callsign. YLs work everyone; OMs work YLs only. CONTEST: Combined phone and CW run over 24 hours: STARTS: Saturday 25th August 2024 at 0600 hours UTC ENDS: Sunday 26th August 2024 at 0559 hours UTC SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES: All HF Bands except 160m & WARC Bands. Contacts made on ECHOLINK will also be accepted. (alara web page) ------------- Oceania DX Contest This years contest will be held on October 5th and 12th respectively. oceaniadxcontest.com ------------------- YOTA CONTEST Youth on the air test 3 of 3 will be from 10:00 to 21:59 UTC on 29 December on the five classic bands CW and SSB. (yota) -------------------------------------------------------------------- DX WINDOW TO THE WORLD. -------------- -------------- Active is TR 8 CR from Gabon until at least the end of June, the operator? F8EN Roland, He will operate CW only and will celebrate his 96th birthday while there. QSL for TR8CR is via F6AJA directly or the Bureau. Roland can usually be found on the 30 to 10m bands. And a Happy 96th Roland. ( rsgb ) -------------- Listen throughout the year for the special callsign 9 A 1 RKZ marking the 100th anniversary of the Radioklub Zagreb which was founded the 24th of March 1924 in Croatia QSL via 9A1ADE. (ARNewsLine 2410 -------------- Germany. The Berlin Airlift was an operation that carried supplies by plane to the Allied sectors of West Berlin over a Russian blockade. For more than a year, hundreds of American, British and French cargo planes ferried provisions to West Berlin's Tempelhof, Gatow and Tegel airfields. Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of the Berlin Airlift, three special event stations are active between now and 24 June: DL0GWW for Gatow DL0TXL for Tegel and DL0THF for Tempelhof. QSL via LoTW, QRZ Logbook, and the DARC Community Logbook; paper cards will not be provided, but an award will be available: ham-awards.de/index.php/75luft/. (sarl) -------------- TM 80 DD will be active from the 1st through to the 16th of June using CW, SSB and the digital modes on all bands marking the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy. See QRZ.com for QSL details for TM80DD (NewsLine 2429) -------------- NEW ZEALAND NZART has a special event call sign for the upcoming America's Cup to be held in Spain later this year. ZL 6 AMCUP has been allocated to celebrate this event with Phil Garside ZL2RO as the trustee of the callsign. November 30 is when ZLCAMCUP goes off air. (NZART) -------------- Special callsign HF 25 NATO is active until the 31st of August, marking the 25th anniversary of Poland joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Certificates and limited-edition QSL cards are available. Visit QRZ.com for details. (ARNewsLine 2428) -------------- The Humber Fortress DX Amateur Radio Club in the UK is once again supporting International Men's Mental Health month and helping to raise the profile of Men's Mental Health 2024 throughout the international amateur radio community. Club members are operating from their headquarters at Patrington Haven, East Yorkshire using special callsign GB 0 M M H. The station will be active throughout the weekend (17 to 19 of May) and in June the 14th to 16th of June across all the HF bands. Please listen out for the operators and give them a call because your support will help raise the awareness of men's mental health. For more information on GBOMMH see QRZ.com (rsgb) -------------- On air is OR 9 AL until the 31st of May marking 90 years since the death of Albert the first, King of the Belgians. QSL OR90AL via the bureau. (ARNewsLine 2428) -------------- NORTHERN IRELAND. Members of the North West Group ARC are QRV with special event station GB 0 AEL until May 31 commemorating the anniversary of Amelia Earhart's transatlantic flight in May of 1932. QSL GB0AEL via MI0HOZ. (arrl) -------------- ITALY. Members of the United Nations Global Service Centre AR Club in Brindisi are QRV as 4 U 29 MAY until May 31 to promote the International Day of UN Peacekeepers. The 4U 29MAY QSL route is via 9A2AA. (arrl) -------------- RWANDA. QRV is 9 X 2 AW from Kigali until May 17 on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4. QSL 9X2AW via M 0 OXO. (eHam) -------------- Special callsign 9H6HE is in use by the Malta Amateur Radio League to celebrate the swearing in of Malta's 11th President. Look for activity until the 31st of May on the 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands using SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL 9H6HE via Logbook of the World, noting that paper QSL cards are not available. (rsgb) -------------- MALAWI. Don, 7Q6M is QRV until May 13, 2024 and has also been active on 160 meters. QSL via LoTW. ---------- Botswana Active will be A 25 SHD from different locations in Botswana, between 30 April and 13 May. QSL A25SHD via home call which is HB 9 SHD. (sarl) -------- In the World of DX, be listening for members of the Zurich City Police Radio Amateur Club throughout the year, operating as HB 2 SP the club is marking its 20th anniversary. Unfortunately no Bureau QSL's but you can use Logbook Of The World, and HB20SP runs until December 31. (sourced to ARNewsLine 2410) ---------- IRELAND Special event callsign EI 80 MB is active until the 31st of May to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the rescue of 168 German seamen who were rescued from the waters of the Bay of Biscay after a battle between British and German naval forces in 1943. The men were carried out by a small Irish coaster called Kerlogue [KER-LOG] which had the callsign EIMB. The rescue took more than ten hours. QSL WI80MB via Club Log's OQRS or via EI6AL (RSGB) ------------- AUSTRIA OE100RADIO [OSCAR-ECHO-ONE-HUNDRED-ROMEO-ALPHA-DELTA-INDIA-OSCAR] is active until the 31st of December celebrating the 100th anniversary of the beginning of regular radio transmissions in Austria in 1924. The station has heard recently on the 40m band using CW. QSL via the Bureau. (gb2rs) ------------------------------------------------------------* WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org LOST IN SPACE After 25 years lost in the vastness of space, a missing satellite has finally been located, highlighting the challenges of tracking the multitude of objects orbiting Earth. The rediscovery sheds light on the difficulty of monitoring the approximately 27,000 objects that populate Earths orbit, a number that continues to grow with each rocket launch and satellite deployment. The satellite in question, the Infra-Red Calibration Balloon (S73-7), was launched in 1974 to serve as a calibration target for remote sensing equipment, but a deployment failure left it adrift as space debris. Despite initial attempts to track its whereabouts, it vanished from ground-based sensors in the 1990s, only to resurface now. While the rediscovery of the missing satellite serves as a reminder of the challenges of space tracking, it also underscores the importance of continued efforts to monitor and manage Earths orbital environment. With technology evolving and space activity increasing, effective space surveillance remains paramount to ensure the safety and sustainability of activities in Earths orbit. (amsat na) Japans Moon Sniper, also known as *SLIM, has astounded experts by surviving its third lunar night*, despite not being designed for such harsh conditions. song starts x.com/SLIM_JAXA/status/1780152900343447974/video/1 As Moon Sniper enters hibernation again, the team plans to resume operations next lunar day and are expressing gratitude for ongoing support and even composing a song titled 15 Degree Slope (taken from the 15 degree slope SLIM is resting on) to commemorate the missions unexpected journey. song ends Initially landing near the Shioli Crater on January 19, the spacecraft encountered an anomaly during descent, landing on its nose and facing west, hindering its solar panels ability to generate power. However, Moon Sniper continues to defy expectations by waking up after each lunar night, transmitting new images before going back into hibernation. (amsat na) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - IOTA iota-world.org/ listen for callsign 8 P 9 CB from Barbados, IOTA Number NA-021, until today the 26th of May. 8P9CB is operating portable and activating POTA sites on 20 through 10 metres using CW and SSB. (NewsLine 2429) 9 M 4 VM will be used by a group of hams operating from Pulau Besar in West Malaysia, IOTA Number AS-097, from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres where they will be using CW and SSB. QSL 9M4VM directly to 9 M 2 HUS. (NewsLine 2429) OC-004 VK9L/W7BRS will be active on Lord Howe Island July 20 through August 1 2024. 40 to 10 metres, CW, FT8 and SSB. This is a good period as it takes in the RSGB IOTA Contest July 27. Logs will be uploaded daily to Club Log, QSL VK9L/W7BRS via LOTW w7brs.com/vk9l (sourced to dx-world.net) Team MM0UKI (5 ops) will be active from the Flannan Islands, EU-118 (Scotland) beginning August 1st and staying for 48-72 hours. Flannan Island is very weather / seas dependent. Plan is to be to QRV with 3 stations; Hexbeam + wire antennas; including 2 x QRO stations. Bands: 40-6m; CW & SSB no FT8. QSL M M 0 UKI via M 0 OXO. (dxworld) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MARITIME INCLUDING ILLW NEWS - ILLW 17th August 2024 to 18th August 2024 To coincide with the International Lighthouse and LightShip Weekend (ILLW) REAST's August Presentation night promises to be a wonderful wander through the life of Mike VK7FB and his time with the Lighthouse Service. Mike was lighthouse keeper on four of Tasmania's Lighthouses and will take his guests at REAST in Hobart through his experience, by words, pictures and video. This will be a fascinating insight into life when lighthouses had people stationed at the actual lighthouses maintaining the lights. When? 7th August 7:30pm in the Queen's Domain REAST clubrooms and the presentation will stream via the REAST YouTube Streaming channel. reast.asn.au/news-events/upcoming-events/?event_id1=2204 (vk7wi) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MILITARY Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the Signal Identification Guide Wiki at sigidwiki.com/wiki/Category:Military RECALLING THE MORSE CODE MIMICS OF THE US MILITARY This story is no illusion but the story itself deals with some of the greatest masters of illusion in the US military during wartime. We hear more from Ralph Squillace KK6ITB. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops - members of the "Ghost Army" - were the magicians of the military whose efforts went well beyond the inflatable cannons, tanks and trucks - or other tools of trickery - contained in arsenal to confound the enemy. The top-secret unit's 82 officers and 1,023 soldiers were experts who used visual, sonic and radio trickery to render realism to fictional military manoeuvres. Like the impersonators of the entertainment world who can recreate The voice and personal style of some celebrities, some of the troops learned to do the same with CW. The unit's Signal Company Special adopted the rhythm and signature touch of certain enemy soldiers' fists, modifying their radios' sounds as well and then transmitting on enemy frequencies with their bogus messages. In that guise, they sent scripted reports and created fake traffic nets designed to be intercepted by German intelligence and send their military off course. This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB. (NewsLine 2429) ATCHUNG - IS YOUR PAPERWORK IN ORDER? Were you lucky enough to catch special event station GB 5 ESC (ESC for escape)? Certainly last weekend, but maybe throughout March, RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club is back at the International Bomber Command Centre for its Inspire Ride 2024 event, which this year pays tribute to the men of Stalag Luft III who took part in the Great Escape in March 1944. Operators expect to be working on the HF bands, using SSB and some CW, using special event callsign GB5ESC. (sourced to rsgb) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MUSEUMS RAF MUSEUM CLOSURE. The Signals Museum at RAF Henlow is closing soon, in fact its final open day will be on the 8 June 2024, after this time it will start to dispose of its exhibits. The Museum attempts to tell the story of RAF Signals and among its attractions, it contains a lot of working equipment which can be demonstrated, including transmitters, receivers and radar consoles. The UK Ministry of Defence announced way back in 2016 that the base was set to be closed and flying activity ceased in July 2020. (rsgb/Wikipedia) A VIRTUAL MUSEUM You have an hour to kill, and you like old communication technology. If you happen to be visiting or live near Windsor, Connecticut, you could nip over to the Vintage Radio and Communication Museum. If you are here in VK ( or anywhere with IT connectivity), you could watch WG7Ds video tour. The museum is a volunteer organization and is mostly about radio, but they also have a beautiful player piano that no kidding now runs from a vacuum cleaner. One notable piece of gear was an old tube tester, and the guide mentions they have 100,000 tubes in storage! If you are a ham radio operator, youll appreciate the vintage code gear and teletypes. The amount of old gear here is impressive, including unusual record players, movie theatre projectors, and lots more. The guides are clearly not used to having someone like WG7D in the museum filming as they explained things like Morse code and magic eye tubes. youtu.be/8tjK91lQkII (Hackaday) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR YOUNG TIMERS - YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) facebook.com/yotaregion2 facebook.com/groups/YOTAOC/ youtube.com/channel/UClAapljf0VQ751sOgu2IzaA twitter.com/hamyota ham-yota.com NOW ANOTHER ASPECT OF LAST WEEKENDS DAYTON HAMVENTION. Carole Perry, WB2MGP, kicked off the highly anticipated ARRL Youth Rally headed by ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, by thanking all those who helped make the rally possible. She told the audience made up of young hams, their parents, sponsor representatives, and plentiful volunteers -- They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, look around this room. It takes a team to support this youth forum. The first youth presenter out of many was sixth-grader Cameron Frey, KD9VGV. In only 2 years since being introduced to amateur radio, he has become a General-class, fully fledged Parks on the Air fanatic, and thats just part of his ham radio repertoire. Ive done more than 100 central activations, and more than 40 different parks. Ive also hunted more than 700 different parks, Cameron said with pride. The Youth Rally continued for most of the day with a slew of activities planned for we young hams. To break the ice, the young people were encouraged to catch a satellite pass outside of the forum room that just happened to be overhead at the start of the rallys next phase. Dayton, and one day we'll get there ourselves, hey Pete? WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- SOFTWARE DEVELOPEMENT OpenWebRX and OpenWebRX+ are Recipients of 2024 Amateur Radio Software Award The 5th annual Amateur Radio Software Award was recently granted to Jakob Ketterl DD5JFK and Marat Fayzullin KC1TXE for their contributions to OpenWebRX and OpenWebRX+, respectively. Both projects allow software defined radio receivers to be accessible through a web browser with full waterfall display and tuning controls. OpenWebRX+ includes support for noise reduction and decoding of additional digital modes. The Amateur Radio Software Award is designed to recognize projects that enhance amateur radio through software innovation that is open source and unique. (ard) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 IT'S A DATE Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links. VK2 - June 8-9. Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day. (vk2zhe) VK5 - Aust. Fox Hunting championships Mt Gambier 8/9 June.(vk5dj) VK4 - Caboolture Radio Club HamFest July 11 (vk7jea) VK3 - Bendigo AR & Electronics Club RadioFest August 18 (vk3gtv) VK6 - PerthTech 2024 Sept 21 for 2 days at Gidgegannup (vk6pop) VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST OCTOBER 13 at Nerang Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang. (vk4DMH) VK5 - Amateur Radio Experiments Group Radio & Electronics Sale Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi) VK7 - Tasmanian Ham Conference November 2 and 3 Hobart. (vk7news) Held at the Sandy Bay Campus of UTAS. VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary School, Allambi Ave. Rosebud. (vk3pdg) Reception Reports WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs straight after the Local News. Local news follows National news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would email their reception reports and location to callbacks@wia.org.au Submitting news items If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au and send BOTH the audio and the text We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in length as we only have a half hour. Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc" Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries." We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles at the event or "on-line". ------------------------------------------------------------* Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Click the links below to download the most recent edition of National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site! WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on wiaq.org.au BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX www.vk7ax.id.au/wianews/ wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------* WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. Who and where are they? wia.org.au/members/broadcast/where/ Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." If you would like to see the call-backs reported each broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally then please send through your call-backs to callbacks@wia.org.au How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.) Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au from the email account that you wish the emails to go to. How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed) Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription. Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription from the list and at that point you should stop receiving messages. ------------------------------------------------------------*