2024 FEBRUARY 4 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------* THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK THIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos ------------------------------------------------------------* NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING FEBRUARY 4 2024 IN OUR 29th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWS THIS WEEK:- WIA's Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine Roger VK2ZRH. - WIA Board Member Chris VK3FY WIA's 2020 Technical Excellence Award winner Roger VK3KYY and the OpenGD77 radio firmware project. PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE IN THIS EDITION OF NEWS FROM THE WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA. I'M EDITOR GRAHAM VK4BB WIA JOIN THE WIA tinyurl.com/yyj87b9y This is Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY on behalf of the Board of the Wireless Institute of Australia for VK1WIA National News. Today's Topics 1. ACMA Assessor Accreditations are currently being sent out 2. A reminder that the WIA AGM for 2024 3. WIA Directors Club Visits 4. WIA Merit Awards Nominations Topic 1 On the 29th of January 2024, the Australian Communications and Media Authority or ACMA has begun issuing its Accreditations for the ACMA Assessor Accreditation. Those assessors who have previously applied to the ACMA should have begun to receive their notifications. Topic 2 A friendly reminder that WIA AGM will be held on weekend of May 4th to 5th 2024 in Bundaberg Queensland. Those wishing to attend can look up details on the WIA website. wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2023/20231117-1/index.php Topic 3 The WIA Board of Directors are happy to try and arrange Club visits either in person when they are in the area or virtually via a video conference. Clubs wishing to participate are urged to contact the WIA Secretary Peter Clee VK8ZZ. Topic 4 Its time to submit your nominations for this year's WIA Merit Awards. Nominations close 31st March 2024 with the WIA Award recipients being announced at this years WIA AGM in May. This has been Chris VK3FY on behalf of the Board of the Wireless Institute of Australia for WIA National National News. This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. For once, I have to speak to you seriously. For the two weeks leading up to last Monday, those involved in the production of the magazine worked industriously to prepare the pages of Amateur Radio Issue 1 to load to the printers computer server on deadline. The issues cover had been printed the previous week and lay awaiting for the guts to be printed. But. A hiccup, an unforeseen circumstance . . . blocked the way. So, it came to pass that . . . diligent efforts on Tuesday last averted, diverted, or inverted the threat and Issue 1 of Amateur Radio magazine rolled off the press on Wednesday, on time and ready for trucking to the mailing house and the newsagent distributors. This was achieved by . . . you may have guessed . . . working together. Talking about working together this issue, I must introduce to you someone new, whose role is to prepare the photographs for each issue, to balance the colours and clean up the images to achieve the best presentation. Phil White VK3 Mike Bravo, knowing that things could be better, stepped forward and volunteered to do this pre-press image processing for the magazine. After all, thats his day job! Give him a round of applause. We look forward to working together over 2024. So. This issues features focus on Pioneers of the past and Marketing the hobby. The technical feature is a transverter for the 134 gigahertz band from Andrew Anderson VK3 C V. Actually, it covers both 122 and 134 gigahertz! He invites you to join the action on the 2mm bands. You can build the system yourself. I am reliably informed that kits will be available thanks to the efforts of Tim Tuck VK2XAX and his XYL. How about that, another great example of Working Together More next week. Keep your eye out for: Amateur Radio magazine, Volume 92, Issue Number 1 for 2024. More guts. Less gab. Proudly produced and printed in Australia. Also available online. Always published to a schedule, never random. Im Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News. ------------------------------------------------------------* INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, RAC, ARRL, NZART, eHam, AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE, eHam, Radioworld.com Hackaday and the World Wide sources of the WIA. DONT USE REGIONS FROM HERE ON IN In an effort to engage young hams, the ARRL board has approved two new initiatives. Full-time students aged 21 and younger are now eligible for a free membership. ARRL will also establish a Student Coding Competition in which students aged 21 and under will design software applications with awards up to $25,000. In addition ARRL approved a number of other items, including The reintroduction of ARRL Life Membership and 70+ Life Membership The creator of the protocol that eventually came to govern synchronized timekeeping on billions of devices around the planet has become a Silent Key. Computer scientist and unstoppable tinkerer Dave Mills, W3HCF, was a professor at the University of Delaware when he first tackled the question of how to synchronize the time on billions of devices around the world, including computers, switches, satellites, servers and clocks. He ultimately addressed this question through the development of Network Time Protocol, or NTP, which he introduced to the world as the internet began emerging as a global force. Dave became a Silent Key on the 17th of January. Radio and TV broadcasting, mobile communications and other elements of the so-called wireless revolution can have all their roots traced back to amateur radio, according to a recent article in the IEEE Xplore written by Theodore Rappaport, N 9 NB. Communications Magazine, IEEE Xplore's article, which is in Volume 61, Issue 11, credits amateur radio inventiveness that was incubated in the earliest amateur radio clubs growing on college campuses in the early 20th Century. It singles out the Wireless Telegraph Club on Columbia University's New York City campus, noting the student members' propensity for wireless experimentation -- and singles out one club member, Edwin Howard Armstrong, considered the father of FM radio. At the same time wireless enthusiasts were being born in Australia, the UK and elsewhere in the world. The article traces how the advent of FM led to the development of mobile phones and how amateurs' bottomless curiosity continues to be the driving spirit behind more and more inventive ways of communicating. To help fight pirate radio, the Federal Communications Commission hired four full-time people in fiscal 2023 and is in the process of hiring more. The FCC has also ordered six vehicles to support the hires with mobile direction-finding equipment. These six vehicles will be outfitted in the 2024 and 2025 calendar years and will include specialized hardware and software for the detection for pirate radio operators. The Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement or PIRATE Act, increased the maximum monetary penalties for pirate operators, those caps now are $119,000 per day and $2.4 million total. bit.ly/3Sc14B8 Amelia Earhart's long-lost plane possibly detected by sonar 16,000 feet underwater. This story sourced to CBS News America. Amelia Earhart's disappearance over the central Pacific Ocean 87 years ago remains one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history. Countless theories about her fate have emerged in the decades since, but now a deep-sea exploration team searching for the wreckage of her small plane has provided another potential clue including a new video released Monday. Deep Sea Vision, a Charleston, South Carolina-based team, said this weekend that it had captured a sonar image in the Pacific Ocean that "appears to be Earhart's Lockheed 10-E Electra" aircraft. The company, which says it scanned over 5,200 square miles of the ocean floor starting in September, posted sonar images on social media that appear to show a plane-shaped object resting at the bottom of the sea. The 16-member team, which used a state-of-the-art underwater drone during the search, also released a new video of the expedition showing the team reviewing images taken by a submersible. "After an extensive deep-water search, a talented group of underwater archaeologists and marine robotics experts have unveiled a sonar image that may answer the greatest modern mystery the disappearance of Amelia Earhart," Deep Sea Vision wrote on Instagram. Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared on July 2, 1937, while flying over the Pacific Ocean during Earhart's attempt to become the first female aviator to circle the globe. They vanished without a trace, spurring the largest and most expensive search and rescue effort by the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard in American history. Earhart and Noonan were declared dead two years later. Multiple deep-sea searches using high-tech equipment have tried but failed over the years to find Earhart's plane. Romeo told that his team's underwater "Hugin" submersible captured the sonar image of the aircraft-shaped object about 16,000 feet below the Pacific Ocean's surface less than 100 miles from Howland Island, where Earhart and Noonan were supposed to stop and refuel before they vanished. Romeo's team didn't find the image until about three months into the trip, and at that stage it was impractical to turn back, so they intend to return for a closer look. Sonar experts say that only a closer look for details matching Earhart's Lockheed aircraft would provide definitive proof. -------------------------------------------------------------------* HAM RADIO OPERATIONAL NEWS - IT'S A CONTACT SPORT -------------- -------------- NOW CONTEST WISE:- 2024 -------------- -------------- ARRL DX CW Contest Feb 17-18. Use only the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. New for 2024 is the Limited Antenna Overlay: Any Single Operator or Single Operator Unlimited entrant can enter using the Limited Antennas Overlay. Operation is limited to the use of single-element antennas such as a single vertical, end-fed wire, or a single dipole antenna no more than 50 feet above ground at its highest point. The antenna(s) may cover multiple bands, as in the case of multiband verticals and dipoles with fan or trap constructions. ------------- NEW ZEALANDS Jock White Memorial Field Day WILL BE 24/25 Feb 2024. The rules have been tweaked slightly and are now up on the nzart website. Overseas contacts now score the same points as ZL contacts. The definition of acceptable overseas contacts has changed to "Oceania" as defined by the DXCC list. These changes have been made to better align the rules with the contest objective, simplify scoring and to use a defined geographical boundary. (nzart info line 482) ------------ ARRL DX Phone Contest March 2-3 Use only the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. ---------------------------------------------------- IARU HF World Championship the second full weekend of July i.e. 13-14. ---------------------------------------------------- Trans-Tasman Low Band Contest July 21st 2024 The Trans-Tasman contest, always held on the 3rd weekend in July, aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL Only contest bands 160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and Digital (i.e. RTTY OR PSK) This contest is another official WIA Contest and will count towards the Peter Brown Contest Champion Awards. (wia.org.au) -------------------------------------------------------------------- DX WINDOW TO THE WORLD. -------------- February 8 marks the 61st anniversary of the YL System, known as the YL International Single Side-band System founded by Vera Tallman K4ICA (SK), in 1963. The YLISSB net operates on 14.332 MHz every day of the year. February 8 - 11, special event station K4ICA will operate on 14.240 - 14.340 MHz and 7.230 - 7.260 MHz to commemorate the system's anniversary. (sourced to arrl) -------------- MOROCCO. Yannick, F6FYD is QRV as CN 2 YD until March 15. -------------- THE VAAL DAM CELEBRATES ITS 85TH BIRTHDAY The Sasolburg ARC will be operating ZS 85 VDAM now to 1 April 2024 to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the opening of the Vaal Dam. There is a special QSL Card available - send your QSL card to the Sasolburg ARC to receive the ZS 85 VDAM QSL Card. -------------- NAMIBIA. QRV is V 51 WH from Omaruru until the end of April. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters, including 60 meters for those in the world able to use that band. V51WH. QSL to Gunter, home call is DK2WH (eHam) -------------- MALAWI. Don, 7Q6M is QRV until May 13, 2024 and has also been active on 160 meters. QSL via LoTW. -------------- -------------- In the World of DX, be listening for members of the Zurich City Police Radio Amateur Club throughout the year, operating as HB 2 SP the club is marking its 20th anniversary. Unfortunately no Bureau QSL's but you can use Logbook Of The World, and HB20SP runs until December 31. (sourced to ARNewsLine 2410) -------------- MEDIA WATCH New Indian Documentary is a Collection of Nostalgic Stories of Radio Enthusiasts: Librarian Vijay Deodhar's radio has shut shop. The Pune resident calls one technician after another, disappointed each time they tell him that they have moved on; they dont repair radios anymore. Its a fitting way to start My Radio My Life, a film by Pune-based TimeCap Documentaries, which as its co-founder, and the film's director-producer Makarand Waikar, says, was launched during the pandemic to document "traditions and habits that are going to vanish soon". Its release also perfectly timed as World Radio Day is set to be celebrated on February 13. The day was announced in 2011 by UNESCO and adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2012 as a UN International Day. Radio, as a technology, science, means of communications and system of programming audio elements has roots all the way back to the 1800s so it can be safely said that the medium is already well into its second century, says the UNESCO site, and this years theme is A Century of Informing, Entertaining, and Educating. Waikars documentary is a collection of nostalgic stories of radio enthusiasts, features restorers, announcers, and of course, listeners. The treatment is one that focuses on a slow life, accentuated by memories shared by men and women who saw the radio as a friend. It [the film] works as a time capsule. Thats why this documentary is important to have made; it can exist as part of archives all over the world, because the radio affected the lives of so many people. mid-day.com/sunday-mid-day/article/all-hail-the-radio-star-23332113 (eHam) ------------------------------------------------------------* WORLD WIDE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP NEWS SUMMITS ON THE AIR, WORLD WIDE FLORA, FAUNA PROGRAM, PARKS ON THE AIR and other ADVENTURE GROUPS. hema.org.uk/index.jsp minesontheair.com/about-mota parksontheair.com/ sota.org.uk sotawatch.sota.org.uk/en/ facebook.com/SotaAustralia/ wwffaustralia.com/ https://bunkersontheair.wixsite.com/october23 There are no prizes, no awards, no certificates - really nothing except bragging rights - in a newly organized special interest group that focuses instead on activations at racing events - any kind of racing events. Races on the Air is a program that is purely for fun, not for points. Hams are being encouraged to activate from any type of formal race, whether the competitors are bicycles, horses, boats, airplanes, cars - even off-road motorsport. The objective is to show amateur radio in action and to increase its visibility at places where the public gathers. Callers simply use "CQ ROTA" or "CQ Racing on the Air" to attract attention to whoever is on the bands. Attracting attention at the event itself is as easy as finding a place to set up. The Racing on the Air forum on the WorldWide DX Radio site has all the details at worldwidedx.com Even locations such as the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, which already has an association with ham radio activations, are eligible to participate. The ROTA organizers ask only that hams post the details of their planned activation, including modes and frequencies, and then upload the log afterward to their website. Ladies and gentlemen, start your rigs. (arnewsline 2413) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ARDF WIA ARDF COORDINATOR VK3WWW Jack vk3www@wia.org.au users.mackay.net.au/~ron/ homingin.com ardf.org.au "Find Your Food Fox Hunt and Social. A neat idea, and challenge, for all hungry Fox Hunters, or wannabe Fox Hunters or Socialites comes out of South Africa where on Friday afternoon 2 February we understand a VHF Fox ran. We also understand that if you fond the Fox, you Fond Your Food, which is pretty awesome. A slight twist in this cunning Foxes repertoire. (sourced to SARL news) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - DIGITAL I was awarded the WIA Technical Excellence Award for this firmware in 2020, because in addition to making a load of Chinese radios Ham friendly, also has features specifically to make it easy to use by blind or partially sighted operators because of its extensive use of voice prompts. This is Roger VK3KYY, with news from the OpenGD77 radio firmware project. OpenGD77 is replacement radio firmware, for many Chinese VHF/UHF radios, that is designed from the ground up for Ham radio use. This firmware is mainly written by me Roger VK3KYY, with help from F1RMB and G4EML. Last week we released the first version of the firmware, for the TYT MD-2017 and Retevis RT-82, which are dual band, VHF/UHF FM and DMR handhelds. This brings the total number of supported radios to 11 All radios have the same functionality when running the OpenGD77 firmware, including Voice Prompts for blind and partially sighted operators, AMSAT satellite prediction, tracking, and Doppler shift correction for satellite operation, FM APRS transmission, and many other features specifically designed for Ham radio operation. All radios running the OpenGD77 firmware use the same CPS and codeplug, meaning you dont need to make a different codeplug for each radio, so if you have any of the following radios: Radioddity GD-77 or GD-77S, Baofeng DM-1801, RD-5R, DM-5R Version 2 or DM-1701 TYT MD-2017, MD-UV380, MD-UV390 or MD-9600 Retevis RT-82, RT-84 or RT-90 Visit the OpenGD77 website, at OpenGD77.com 73 from me, Roger VK3KYY ROC-HAM Radio Network ask the question, "Do you like Pie?" Well I am talking Raspberry Pi. The official Raspberry Pi Net takes place each Sunday at 22:00 UTC on the ROC-HAM EchoLink Conference node 531091. Oh and ROC-HAM? it's the Ham Radio network emanating from Rochester New York State in the USA. ( and on AllStar node 2585, 47620, 47918, 531310 ) Join W2JLD/John, GW8SZL/Dave, or W4RFJ/Chief each Sunday where they talk about Raspberry Pis, Linux, AllStar, Supermon, programming and everything else Raspberry Pi. With a wide cast of characters and plenty of Pi to go around, join in as they sit back and enjoy great fellowship and most of all have fun while learning something new. They often have a question and topic to get the net started. Loads of info is to be had. You bring the coffee, they will supply the Pi.... roc-ham.net/ (ard) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - IOTA OC-047 Bernhard will be active again as H44MS in the Solomon Islands from Malaita, IOTA Number OC-047 from around the 10th of February every day on 160-6 metres until the 25th of April. See QRZ.com for QSL details. (arnewsline 2413) NA-011 For the last two weeks of January, the Vatican City State flag flapped in the strong sea breeze on Clipperton Island, one of the most isolated islands in the world, IOTA number NA-011. Francesco Valsecchi, an Italian who operates the amateur radio call sign of Vatican City, HV 0 A, brought the flag. It was the first time the Vatican flag has ever been unfurled on such a mission, and the first time Vatican City made radio contact with the island. Valsecchi and more than a dozen others travelled to the desolate coral atoll in the eastern Pacific Ocean as part of an international expedition for long-distance amateur radio operators and listeners. (eHam) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MEDICAL EI 25 HEAL On the Air for WORLD CANCER DAY FEB FOUR. Anthony based in Ireland is operating a special callsign EI25HEAL. This callsign is dedicated to all those heal from cancer and not forgetting loved ones who have passed away. He will be active on the 20m, 15m, and 40m bands. Special QSL cards are available and any donations from the QSL cards go to his cancer charity. ei9gmbqsl.weebly.com/ WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS qcwa.org raotc.org.au Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is the first Monday of the month, time for the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's February bulletin to go to air, our first for this year.. This month as well as the latest Club news Ill be discussing Making the connection the story of the London Underground railway map. This will be followed by Part 2 on the history of the transistor and its early development. Everyone, RAOTC members and non-Members alike, is most welcome to listen to the program and join in the call backs afterwards. Full details of all transmissions times and modes can be found on the RAOTC website raotc.org.au or just Google RAOTC broadcasts. If none of the transmission times suit you, you can download the audio file at any time from today from the club website. Members and Friends of the RAOTC in Perth are reminded that the next lunchtime meeting at the Woodbridge Hotel, East Guildford is on Tuesday February 13th. All are welcome, see the Club website for full details. Once again, tune in tomorrow for the February RAOTC bulletin, enjoy the program and please join in the call backs afterwards. 73 from Clive VK6CSW. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR YOUNG TIMERS - YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) facebook.com/yotaregion2 facebook.com/groups/YOTAOC/ youtube.com/channel/UClAapljf0VQ751sOgu2IzaA twitter.com/hamyota ham-yota.com USE FEB 4 Thank you Col In line with the WIAs efforts in encouraging youth to participate in our hobby, the WIA has established our first radio bank in VK6. The bank consists of various radios including HF rigs, commercial VHF/UHF radios capable of access to 2m and 70cm and a variety of accessories such as power supplies, coax, etc. The goal is to get youth on air with a minimum of expense. The first bank has been established by Steve VK6SJ and Stu VK6BG both whom started in this hobby as students and appreciate the value of encouragement. They were the recipient of similar assistance in their youth from older hams. We hope that this will be the start of similar initiatives from clubs and others to help provide an easier entry to our hobby. For VK1WIA National News, I'm Alec, VK2MV in Sydney. Now back to you Col email Steve VK6SJ at Steve@kennedy-sj.com.au or call on mobile 0447767518 (preferably outside WA normal business hours of 0800 to 1600 WST). WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- VIDEO. ATV SSTV and other forms such as YouTube. Peter VK3BFG is your WIA ATV representative. pcossins@bigpond.com tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos THAT LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF THIS NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN The RSGB has released a further three presentations, on YouTube, from its 2023 Convention. In the first, Professor Simon Watts, G3XXH gives a fascinating presentation about VHF airborne radar and the design and performance of these early systems in World War II. The other two presentations focus on the World Radiosport Team Championship which the UK will be hosting in 2026 At the RSGB Convention, WRTC Chair Mark Haynes, M0DXR gave an overview of what is being planned and how people can get involved either as a spectator, volunteer, competitor or referee. John Warburton, G4IRN gave his perspective on what it is like to be a WRTC referee. You can see all of these presentations on the RSGB YouTube channel. youtube.com/theRSGB (rsgb) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 IT'S A DATE Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links. TODAY VK3 - BARG HamFest 4th of February next door to BARG clubrooms at Ballarat Airport 10:00 am. barg.org.au/ (vk3kqt) VK4 - Redcliffe and Districts REDFEST April 6 (vk4tfn) VK - WIA AGM MAY 4 5 - BUNDABERG. (vk2tsg) VK - National Volunteer Week Monday 20 Sunday 26 May 2024. National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australias largest annual celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to our communities. VK5 - Amateur Radio Experiments Group Radio & Electronics Sale Saturday 26th October 10AM David Roche Park Kilburn (vk5qi) VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest November 17 at Eastbourne Primary School, Allambi Ave. Rosebud. (vk3pdg) Reception Reports WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs straight after the Local News. Local news follows National news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would email their reception reports and location to callbacks@wia.org.au Submitting news items If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au and send BOTH the audio and the text We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in length as we only have a half hour. Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc" Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries." We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles at the event or "on-line". ------------------------------------------------------------* Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Click the links below to download the most recent edition of National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site! WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on wiaq.org.au BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX www.vk7ax.id.au/wianews/ wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------* WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. Who and where are they? wia.org.au/members/broadcast/where/ Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." If you would like to see the call-backs reported each broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally then please send through your call-backs to callbacks@wia.org.au How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.) Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au from the email account that you wish the emails to go to. How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed) Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription. Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription from the list and at that point you should stop receiving messages. ------------------------------------------------------------*