2023 NOVEMBER 5 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------* THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK THIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos ------------------------------------------------------------* NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING NOV 05 2023 IN OUR 28th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWS AUSTRALIA'S LONGEST RUNNING I'M EDITOR GRAHAM VK4BB NOW BECAUSE SO MUCH IS HAPPENING SOCIALLY THIS MONTH, WE ARE GOING TO START WITH THE SOCIAL SCENE And with a reminer ALARAMeet2023 IS ON NOW, 4/5 November in HOBART. Then its off to Rosebud and Andrew VK3CAH, the Goldy and Paul VK4PY, Seaford in VK5. Nathan Vk5DAD and VK7 Double Scotch in "Lonnie", vk7WW but now to the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club VK3 - Rosebud RadioFest at Eastbourne Primary School Sunday, November 12 This is Andrew VK3CAH from the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club with a reminder that the Rosebud RadioFest , will be held this year on Sunday, the 12th of November. In addition to sales of new and pre-loved equipment in the main hall,the Rosebud RadioFest sets itself apart with the excellent range of forums which are presented. This year, topics being covered are Multi-Operator Remote Amateur Radio Stations - Steve Kennedy VK6SJ M17 Open Source Digital Platform - Tony Langdon VK3JED Operation RADAR: "Rapid Deployment of Amateur Radio" supporting communities in times of crisis. Neil Patton VK3ZVX So come along and enjoy the equipment sales, great catering and excellent forums of the Rosebud RadioFest. See you in Rosebud. This is Andrew VK3CAH. VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST 8:30AM NEXT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12. Hi I'm Paul VK4PY and if you are on the Gold Coast next weekend, why not pop into the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Hamfest Sunday 12th November at Country Paradise Parklands, 231 Beaudesert Nerang Road, Nerang. Entre ticket prices are still the same with $5 per person with the doors opening to the public from 08:30am Some of the tables that have be purchased for the event are suppliers to the industry along with other fellow amateurs and other Clubs. Once again we are having the very popular bacon and egg muffins, as well other items from the BBQ. To book a table or other info, go to www.gcars.com.au and look for the Hamfest tab or email hamfest@gcars.com.au See you hopefully at our Hamfest on the 12th November... I'm Paul VK4PY and you're tuned to VK1WIA and the National News Service. VK5 - Hi all this is Nathan Vk5DAD from the south coast Amateur radio club, on Thursday 23 November We have our annual general meeting from 7 pm at Seaford Meadows Scout Hall Railway Parade. All is welcome. Hope to see you there this is Nathan VK5DAD on behalf of SCARC. VK7 - NTARC MASSIVE RADIO AUCTION Hi this is Nic VK7WW. Has your Lancaster bomber lost its 1155 transmitter? Has the RFDS missed a 1kw Codan Linear? Is the NZ Army looking for another ZC1? Or perhaps youre looking for something more modern? Well, we know where to find them; at THE MASSIVE RADIO AUCTION to be held on Saturday 25th November at the Northern Tasmania ARC Clubrooms in Rocherlea, Launceston. For a preview list of some of the items, please email secretary@ntarc.net See you there 73s from VK7 Double Scotch. VK5 - Amateur Radio Experimenters Group Radio & Electronics Sale November 26 WIA JOIN THE WIA tinyurl.com/yyj87b9y Gday this is Chris Dimitrijevic VeeKay3FoxYanky on behalf of the board of Wireless Institute of Australia for this week's VK1WIA National News The Topics for this week's broadcast are as follows; 1. AGM 2024 in Bundaberg Queensland 2. ALARAmeet 2023 Tasmania 3. Approval to use VK5WIA for callbacks in SA Topic 1 A reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia will be held on the weekend of 4th to 5th of May 2024, and will be hosted by the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club, in Bundaberg Queensland. Set aside that weekend to attend the AGM and catch up with some mates, A tour of one of the distilleries is planned and that should be some fun. Topic 2 The Wireless Institute of Australia passes on our congratulations to Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association more commonly known as ALARA who will be concluding their ALARAmeet 2023 in Hobart, Tasmania this weekend. ALARAmeet, happens every three years and it's an opportunity for YL's with-in the ALARA organisation and other Amateur Radio Operators to meet in person. Anyone wishing to seek further information on ALARA, can look them up at alara.org.au Topic 3 Peter VK5JP has requested to utilise the callsign VK5WIA for use during the Weekly News Broadcasts call-backs on AUS REPEATER NET WiresX Room 24160. The board of the WIA have approved his request for the use of the callsign and you should hear the start of this following this week's news broadcasts. The WIA encourages any other news broadcasters should they wish to utilise WIA callsigns to put their request to the board of the WIA by emailing secretary@wia.org.au This has been Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY on behalf of the Board of the WIA for VK1WIA News. Regards Chris Dimitrijevic de VK3FY / W3YM / T30T / 3D2FY / DU8FY / 4E8T / 5W0FY / HK7T This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine. Heres a chance in a lifetime. Sign up to use VK90AR, the special event call sign celebrating 90 years of Amateur Radio magazine. That call sign wont be coming around again not even if we are still publishing in another 90 years! A historic call sign for a historic occasion. Last month, Amateur Radio magazine reached the milestone of being published continuously since October 1933. Thats why were marking the occasion by arranging keen operators to get on-air and make some noise with VK90AR. With the solar cycle really crackling right now, heres an opportunity to add to the noise on the bands. The call sign is for use by any member of the WIA as well as any affiliated club. Signing up to use VK90AR is a simple process. Just apply on the WIA website Online Event Calendar, where you can book a roster to suit yourself. wia.org.au/newsevents/news/2023/20230921-1/index.php If you already know where the Online Event Calendar is, jump to it. Or, go to the website address in the text version of this broadcast. Its also in a news item featured on the WIA website home page. (WIA Front Page News). VK90AR expires on 31st December 2023. So, get online, book a roster, and dont miss out. You might like to use VK90AR on AM on 7125 kHz, as a nod to our heritage! How about it, then? Im Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News. ------------------------------------------------------------* INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, RAC, ARRL, NZART, eHam, AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE, eHam, Radioworld.com Hackaday and the World Wide sources of the WIA. REGION ONE HF Beacon CS3B (Madeira) destroyed in Wildfire. The radio beacon CS3B on the Portuguese island of Madeira was destroyed by fire on 12 October. Destroyed was radio (ICOM 7200), it had only been installed in September 2023. CS3B was part of the NCDXFs International Beacon Project, a series of HF beacons operating on 14,100, 18,110, 21,150, 24,930 and 28,200 kHz. The site of CS3B is off the northwest coast of Africa and was an ideal location to test radio propagation on the HF bands between Europe and North America. The fire damage to the site is quite extensive, as the building that housed the beacon was also destroyed, as was the antenna. Given the extensive damage, this HF beacon is likely to be out of service for some time. iaru-r1.org/2023/hf-beacon-cs3b-madeira-destroyed-in-wildfire/ 26TH IARU REGION 1 GENERAL CONFERENCE The 26th IARU Region 1 General Conference opened last Tuesday 31st October in Serbia. The Opening Plenary was held Wednesday 1 November with the Closing Plenary yesterday Saturday 4 November. There are 89 delegates from 43 Member Societies attending together with the 33 officers from the IS, Region 1, 2, and 3. Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, the HF, EMC, Youth, and the VHF/UHF committees met, Thursday afternoon and Friday, the administration, financial, emergency communication, and spectrum and regulations committees met. There will also be various sessions on Shaping the Future of Amateur Radio Russian amateurs holding that country's highest class of radio licence are now being permitted to use the 6-metre band with up to 1 kilowatt, this under a verbal agreement with the Russian regulator. Hams with Russian callsigns have been using the band since 2014 from Crimea when that territory was annexed. This was a privilege carried over from the time when 6-metre operation was permitted in Crimea when it was part of Ukraine. Russian amateurs had long contended that if authorities recognise 6-metre operation from Crimea, the privilege should be extended to all Russian hams. REGION TWO FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel says the FCC plans to "incentivize innovation and experimentation in the amateur radio bands" by getting rid of outdated restrictions and providing licensees with the flexibility to use modern digital emissions. The commission at its November meeting is expected to take action on a Report and Order that would eliminate the baud rate limitation and establish a bandwidth limitation in the amateur radio bands below 29.7 MHz. The order being circulated for tentative consideration by the commission would remove the baud rate limitation -- the rate at which the carrier waveform amplitude, frequency and / or phase is varied to transmit information -- for data emissions in the amateur radio bands, the FCC says. The current baud rate limits were adopted in 1980. In other news from the FCC deadline for US Hams to file comments on their 60-meter band proposal has been extended to November 28, the comment period was originally to close October 30, 2023. The 18th Annual ARRL Online Auction, sponsored by RT Systems Inc, raised 31,000 dollars in support of amateur radio. The auction took place during October 13 - 19, 2023. In addition to hundreds of viewers, the auction saw 244 individual bidders vying for Product Review equipment, vintage books, mystery junk boxes from the ARRL Lab, and more. The National Association of Broadcasters has announced the preliminary attendance numbers for NAB Show New York, which was held Oct. 2426 at the Javits Centre. This year, NAB said the annual show drew 12,231 people to the Big Apple a 28 percent increase from 9,500 attendees in 2022. Nearly 270 exhibitors could be found across the show floor, including 60 first-time exhibitors. NAB said there were approximately 225 sessions featuring approximately 300 speakers. REGION THREE Seventy-two passengers, predominantly from South 24-Parganas district of West Bengal, who met with an accident in Tamil Nadu during their tour of South India were safely rescued from the accident site through prompt intervention from local amateur radio operators along with the local administration. A local ham radio operator who was travelling in a motorcycle first came across the injured tourists and informed the Indian Institute of Ham (IIH). Manjunath R and Sankar Satyapal of IIH contacted the local administration and the entire team reached the spot. The passengers were rescued and necessary arrangements were made for medical services. The IIH has a special event station, AT 30 IIH, QRV until December 31 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Indian Institute of Hams. India's space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has taken a significant step forward in its ambitious Gaganyaan project by successfully conducting the first in a series of test flights. The project aims to send astronauts into space by 2025, making India the fourth country, after the Soviet Union, United States, and China, to achieve this milestone. The primary objective of this test flight, known as the Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1, was to ascertain the spacecraft's ability to safely rescue the crew in the event of a rocket malfunction. The Chairman of ISRO, announced the success of the mission, eliciting cheers and applause from his colleagues. -------------------------------------------------------------------* HAM RADIO OPERATIONAL NEWS - IT'S A CONTACT SPORT -------------- -------------- NOW CONTEST WISE:- -------------- -------------- Last weekend was the CQ World-wide SSB Contest, and one entry in particular was a little different AND a fantastic idea, Ben VK4YT, Media officer for the Tablelands Radio and Electronics joins us to kick off this weeks operational news Saturday 28th of October, members from TREC were at Kairi State School on the Atherton Tablelands participating in the CQ World-wide SSB contest with a very enthusiastic group of grade 5 and 6 students. 9 students and a teacher who hold their foundation licences were on the air and we had some other teachers and parents on the radio putting out calls under supervision from the kids as well. We were using an IC7300 and Elecraft Amp into a tri-band yagi antenna on 10,15 and 20m on the clubs tower trailer. We were using the callsign VK4KSS and did a combination of hunt and pounce and calling CQ throughout the day. Last year the group came 3rd in Australia and 8th in Oceania in the category they entered with around 11,000 points. This year after scores were tallied we had over 82,000 points with 278 QSOs from 12 hrs of operating, so the kids really outdid themselves. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time to help set up and operate the contest station and to those who returned our calls. Ben VK4YT from Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club 73 and good DX. NOW OUR NEXT 2 CONTESTS... VHF-UHF Spring Field Day. 25 - 26 November. 0100 UTC Saturday to 0059 UTC Sunday BUT to make it a little fairer in VK6, they add 3 hours onto start and end times. (wia.org.au) 75th CQ World Wide DX Contest's CW leg is also November 25-26 on the 160 to 10m contest bands, exchange is signal report and your CQ Zone. ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- DX WINDOW -------------- -------------- The special callsign VI7ALARA is active on the HF bands until the 8th of November, (that's Wednesday) commemorating the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association's meeting being held in Hobart. The callsign is being operated by a number of YLs in Tasmania and throughout Australia. ----------------- Call sign VI4ACRO, activation this entire month, November brings awareness of the debilitating medical condition Acromegaly. (vk4kx) ------------------ VI 10 VKFF running all year celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the VKFF group. (vk5pas) -------------- VK 90 AR for Amateur Radio Magazine. October 2023, this year, saw your WIA celebrating 90 years of continuous publishing of Amateur Radio Magazine, the official journal of the Wireless Institute of Australia. The WIA are running the VK90AR activity until December 31. (wia) -------------- Special Event Station VI 100 MB all year celebrates the centenary of the Manly-Warringah Radio Society ------------------------------------------------------------* WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ASTRONOMY Starlink satellites are emitting RFI that is causing issues for radio astronomers, even in so-called "radio quiet zones," such as the outback of Western Australia. That is the finding of a research team that published their findings recently in the journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters. Steven Tingay of Curtin University writes on the Cosmos magazine website that, using radio telescopes, the researchers detected signals at a number of licensed radio frequencies but their greatest concern was over intended and unintended emissions from elsewhere. They traced those to Starlink satellites. The scientists' tests were conducted at the site where an SKA-Low facility is to be built in Western Australia. The research paper's purpose was to demonstrate that Starlink emissions were easily detected by low-frequency radio antennas that the scientists were using to represent the SKA-Low station such as one intended for that site. Known as version 2 of the Engineering Development Array, the antennas were utilised at 137.5 MHz and 159.4 MHz. The scientists wrote in their conclusion that [quote] "Our results indicate that both intended and unintended radiation from Starlink satellites will be detrimental to key SKA science goals without mitigation." [endquote] The team recommends dialogue with SpaceX to work on a means of mitigation involving the use of version 2 of the Engineering Development Array at the site. (ARNewsLine) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is planning their 40th anniversary celebration conference for February 22 - 24, 2024. The Positive Impact of Amateur Radio on Human Spaceflight: 40th Anniversary Conference will be held at the Centre for Space Education: Astronauts Memorial Foundation, adjacent to the NASA Kennedy Space Centre Visitors Centre in Florida. Organizers hope to gather volunteer teams, astronauts, space agency officials, educators, and space and amateur radio enthusiasts to attend the event (arrl letter) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - MARITIME INCLUDING ILLW NEWS - ILLW 17th August 2024 to 18th August 2024 Australian lights planned and advised to WIA :- AU 0102 Point Charles NT - Darwin AR Club To commemorate the November 10, 1975 sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald, The Livonia Amateur Radio Club (LARC) will operate Special Event Station, W 8 F, at the Museum on Saturday Nov. 11, from 11 AM to 3:30PM US EST. Their aim, contacting other amateur radio operators around the globe, reminding them of the Fitz story. A special confirmation certificate to those hams who make contact with W8F. livoniaarc.com/edmund and qrz.com/db/W8F ( EHam) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS qcwa.org raotc.org.au Hallo Everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that the November RAOTC bulletin goes to air tomorrow. This month we offer another historical broadcast by Allan Doble, VK3AMD, from February 2002. The latest Club news and information will be broadcast next month. Everyone, RAOTC members and non-Members alike, is most welcome to listen to the program and join in the call backs afterwards. Full details of all transmissions times and modes can be found on the RAOTC website at www.raotc.org.au or just Google RAOTC broadcasts. If none of the transmission times suit you, you can download the audio file at any time from today, Sunday, from the club website. Members and Friends of the RAOTC in Perth are reminded that the next lunchtime meeting at the Woodbridge Hotel, East Guildford will be on Tuesday November 14th. All are welcome, full details are published on the clubs website. Once again, tune in tomorrow for the November RAOTC bulletin, enjoy the program and please join in the call backs afterwards. 73 from Clive VK6CSW. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR YOUNG TIMERS - YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) facebook.com/yotaregion2 facebook.com/groups/YOTAOC/ youtube.com/channel/UClAapljf0VQ751sOgu2IzaA twitter.com/hamyota ham-yota.com How to Engage We Youth with Amateur Radio. - STEM Education. ARRL Education and Learning Manager, and IARU Region 2 Youth Coordinator, Steve Goodgame, K 5 ATA, gave the keynote address at the 2023 ARRL Pacific Division Ham Radio Convention, also known as Pacificon recently. Mr Goodgame was a public-school teacher for 21 years. He carries his experience of bringing ham radio into the classroom into his role at ARRL. "It is safe to say I've learned a thing or two about reaching you youth along the way," he quipped. His presentation, to a packed audience, was a highlight of the convention. K5ATA's passion and vision for promoting youth involvement in the hobby shined in his speech as he discussed STEM education and the importance of inspiring youth and teachers to engage in amateur radio and wireless technology. Now we too can watch "A Vision of the Future of Amateur Radio" on the ARRLHQ YouTube Channel. youtu.be/fTi8LDz4dS4?si=GQfSd3k2BS__ERMy WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO IARU REGION 3 Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies 3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360kHz Hi, from the Gold Coast I'm Mark VK4DMH. Last Monday 30th around 3:40pm, a call for assistance was heard on the 146.7MHz Gold Coast repeater. There were three bushwalkers on the Border Track, near Binna Burra, just over 30 kms southwest of Surfers Paradise, and one male within the group required urgent medical assistance following a short fall. There was no mobilephone coverage along the track, which is in thick rainforest. Fortunately, two of the group were Amateur Radio operators .. Stuart VK4MSL and his father David VK4MDL, and they both had their handheld radios on them. Stuart VK4MSL had put the call out for assistance and Geoff VK2DLA replied. It was later established that four other local AR operators were also monitoring the situation right from the initial call. A Qld Ambulance was dispatched lights and sirens on the 36 km road trip up into the mountains, and backup from Qld Police. The PolAir helicopter was also sent to visually confirm the exact location of the patient. The police requested for PolAir to use the 146.7 repeater so they could talk direct to Stuart. Geoff was happy to provide the frequencies and tone access, as well as the option to use a simplex frequency, 146.5 MHz. But programming amateur frequencies into the chopper in flight proved to be a bit difficult. APRS also played an important roll as Geoff VK2DLA was able to receive regular updates on Stuart's Lat and Long. With Geoff relaying the communications, it was important that one operator only was involved with the exchange of messages. By 5:30pm, the patient was in the ambulance and on his way to hospital. Reports are that he's doing well. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- VIDEO. ATV SSTV and other forms such as YouTube. Peter VK3BFG is your WIA ATV representative. pcossins@bigpond.com tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos THAT LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF THIS NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN 41st AMSAT Space Symposium & Annual General Meeting YouTube Videos Available, yes more than twelve hours of video recordings on their YouTube page. You can easily find these videos by clicking on the Live tab under The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation channel. Furthermore, YouTube offers Closed Captioning for these recordings; just click on the 'CC' icon in the video player's lower right corner. If you'd prefer, you can also enable subtitles in multiple languages. To help you quickly access video from the AMSAT Annual General Meeting along with the sixteen presentations given at this year's AMSAT Symposium, we have included, thanks to ANS and AMSAT, direct links for you in the text edition of this WIA National News. AMSAT 41st AMSAT Space Symposium Welcome Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT President youtube.com/watch?v=pcO4-h7bbxs&t=380s A Survey of Small Satellite Propulsion Systems Jonathan Brandenburg, KF5IDY, AMSAT Assistant VP Engineering youtube.com/watch?v=pcO4-h7bbxs&t=465s Microwave Ambitions for GOLF Satellites Zach Metzinger, N0ZGO, AMSAT Board of Directors youtube.com/watch?v=pcO4-h7bbxs&t=2270s AMSAT Engineering Update Jerry Buxton, N0JY, AMSAT VP Engineering youtube.com/watch?v=pcO4-h7bbxs&t=3825s ASCENT and Fox-Plus Updates Jonathan Brandenburg, KF5IDY, AMSAT Assistant VP Engineering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcO4-h7bbxs&t=8575s PACSAT Update and Demonstration Bill Reed, NX5R, PACSAT Project Manager youtube.com/watch?v=pcO4-h7bbxs&t=10095s CubeSatSim Update and Demonstration Alan Johnston, KU2Y, AMSAT VP Educational Resources youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=720s ThinSat Project for High Schools Nick Pugh, K5QXY, and Bob Twiggs, KE6QMD youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=4040s AMSAT Youth Initiative Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, AMSAT VP Development youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=6595s Amateur Radio Spectrum Use in the Lunar Environment Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS-NA Executive Director youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=8650s Amateur Satellite Secondary Payloads Drew Glasbrenner, AMSAT Board of Directors/VP Operations youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=10500s AMSAT-HB Update Michael Lipp, HB9WDF, President, AMSAT-HB youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=12150s AMSAT-UK Update David Bowman, G0MRF, youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=13205s ARISS Update Dave Taylor, W8AAS, AMSAT US Delegate to ARISS International youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=18600s 40th Anniversary of Hams in Space & 2024 Anniversary Event Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS-NA Executive Director youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=21305s Planned Non-AMSAT Amateur Satellites Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Executive Vice President youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=22970s Space Qualified Antennas Kent Britain, WA5VJB youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=23880s AMSAT Annual General Meeting & Awards Ceremony Robert Bankston, KE4AL, AMSAT President youtube.com/watch?v=DzKKHTBxyY8&t=27575s [ANS thanks AMSAT for the above information] ------------------------------------------------------------* 2023 Social Scene Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links. VK - ALARAMeet2023 THIS WEEKEND 4/5 November in HOBART VK3 - Rosebud RadioFest at Eastbourne Primary School Sunday, November 12 VK4 - GOLD COAST HAMFEST 8:30AM NEXT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 12. VK5 - Hi all this is Nathan Vk5DAD from the south coast Amateur radio club, on Thursday 23 November We have our annual general meeting from 7 pm at Seaford Meadows Scout Hall Railway Parade. All is welcome. Hope to see you there this is Nathan VK5DAD on behalf of SCARC. VK7 - NTARC MASSIVE RADIO AUCTION Saturday 25th November at the Northern Tasmania ARC Clubrooms in Rocherlea, Launceston. VK5 - Amateur Radio Experimenters Group Radio & Electronics Sale November 26 (vk5qi) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 IT'S A DATE Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links. VK3 - BARG HamFest 4th of February next door to BARG clubrooms at Ballarat Airport 10:00 am. barg.org.au/ (vk3kqt) VK - WIA AGM MAY 4 5 - BUNDABERG. (vk2tsg) VK - National Volunteer Week Monday 20 Sunday 26 May 2024. National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australias largest annual celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to our communities. Reception Reports WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs straight after the Local News. Local news follows National news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would email their reception reports and location to callbacks@wia.org.au Submitting news items If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au and send BOTH the audio and the text We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in length as we only have a half hour. Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc" Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries." We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles at the event or "on-line". ------------------------------------------------------------* Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Click the links below to download the most recent edition of National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site! WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on wiaq.org.au BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX www.vk7ax.id.au/wianews/ wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------* WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. Who and where are they? wia.org.au/members/broadcast/where/ Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/ The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." If you would like to see the call-backs reported each broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally then please send through your call-backs to callbacks@wia.org.au How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.) Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au from the email account that you wish the emails to go to. How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed) Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription. Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription from the list and at that point you should stop receiving messages. ------------------------------------------------------------*